
I am using v1.15.0 along with quartz addon. While starting below errors are

################################################ ISIS METAMODEL VALIDATION
ERRORS ################################################################

org.quartz.JobDataMap#clearDirtyFlag: has prefix clear, is probably
intended as a supporting method for a property, collection or action.  If
the method is intended to be an action, then rename and use
@ActionLayout(named="...") or ignore completely using @Programmatic
org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap#clearDirtyFlag: has prefix clear, is probably
intended as a supporting method for a property, collection or action.  If
the method is intended to be an action, then rename and use
@ActionLayout(named="...") or ignore completely using @Programmatic
org.quartz.utils.StringKeyDirtyFlagMap#clearDirtyFlag: has prefix clear, is
probably intended as a supporting method for a property, collection or
action.  If the method is intended to be an action, then rename and use
@ActionLayout(named="...") or ignore completely using @Programmatic

Please inspect the above messages and correct your domain model.

################################################ ISIS METAMODEL VALIDATION
ERRORS ################################################################

These classes are part of Quartz library and hence I cannot attach
Programmatic annotation.

Question is why metamodel validations are applied on classes under
org.quartz package?

Any way to skip this validation will help greatly. As of now this is
blocking access to Wicket UI. As a workaround I am initializing quartz on
click of an action/button.


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