Welcome, Johan!

On 25 March 2018 12:34:46 CEST, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> 
>I'm delighted to announce that Johan Doornenbal has been voted in as a
>committer on Apache Isis, and also as a member of the Isis PMC.  The
>gives Johan the right to commit changes directly to the Apache Isis
>codebase, the second gives him the right to be involved in future
>Johan has an abundance of real-world experience in using the framework
>delivering business solutions.  He's been working with Jeroen and I for
>several years now on Estatio [1], and is now responsible for specifying
>implementing the great proportion of the new functionality of that app.
>For Apache Isis he contributed an extended version of the PetClinic
>tutorial [2], and in terms of code has provided numerous contributions
>the companion Incode Platform, most notably for the Excel module [4]
>and on
>a integration with mailchimp.  Informally he's provided great insight
>feedback on new features for the framework, the most recent example
>the implementation of checkboxes for parented collections [4].
>I've really enjoyed working with Johan over the last few years, and I'm
>very pleased he's joining as a committer and onto the PMC; he'll be a
>addition to our team.  Please join me in welcoming him to our happy
>Dan Haywood
>Apache Isis Committer
>[1] http://github.com/estatio/estatio
>[3] http://platform.incode.org/modules/lib/excel/lib-excel.html

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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