
I used quickstart archetype to create project using Apache Isis v1.16.2.
This quickstart project by default include many modules and wicket
components. Today I tried to make use of SummernoteEditor annotation on one
of the parameter of "Update" Mixin action. See below code snippet -

public class WithNameAndDescription_update {

private final WithNameAndDescription entity;

public WithNameAndDescription_update(WithNameAndDescription entity) {
this.entity = entity;

describedAs = "Update name and description"
@Action(semantics = SemanticsOf.IDEMPOTENT)
public WithNameAndDescription $$(
@Parameter(optionality = Optionality.MANDATORY, maxLength =
@ParameterLayout(named = "Name", describedAs = "Name of this entity")
final String name,

@Parameter(optionality = Optionality.OPTIONAL, maxLength =
@ParameterLayout(named = "Description", labelPosition = LabelPosition.TOP,
multiLine = 4, describedAs = "Description of this entity")
@SummernoteEditor(height = 100, maxHeight = 300)
final String description
) {
return entity;

When user click on "Update" button for a Category it shows popup however in
this dialog there is no summernote editor.

This project is at location -> [1]
I check the settings as per page -> [2]

Any idea what am I missing here?!

[1] - https://github.com/Jayeshecs/statements
[2] - http://platform.incode.org/modules/wkt/summernote/wkt-summernote.html

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