Hi, in company I am working in, we have many developers using Apache Isis
with their favorite IDE, either Eclipse or IntelliJ. Both ways pretty
straight forward.

Your screenshots are removed, probably by mailing list server, so it is
hard to support with no information.

Regs, Vladimir

James Smyth <jamessm...@outlook.com> schrieb am So., 3. Nov. 2019, 18:37:

> Good morning. The company I work for is trying to get apache isis
> installed so that we can evaluate it for a couple of our projects.
> We have tried installing on a Windows 10 PC and a Mac. We can clone
> projects or even create them using the SimpleApp Maven archetype. We can
> compile and run the samples from a terminal window on both system, however
> we cannot run from Intellij. When we create a configuration we cannot
> select the WebServer because it is not there. We have tried multiple times
> on multiple machines with no lock. Here is a screen shot of trying to add a
> configuration.
> And here is a look at the maven tab.
> As I said multiple devs have tried to get any project working from inside
> Intellij. We have tried different versions, cloning other peoples projects
> from GitHub etc. Having used other Naked Objects type systems, I feel this
> would be quite helpful if we can understand how to get it going.
> I noticed that between 1.14 and 1.15 something changed with the WebServer.
> Have other people run into these issues? Is there something we are doing
> wrong or need to check?
> Thanks for any help you can give us.
> Jim Smyth

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