Hi all,

One of our suppliers provides a visual javascript configurator for their services. I would like to create a custom Wicket component for rendering but also for saving the data in a domain object.

The javascript to be added to the component is

<script>const inputConfiguration = { "organisation": { "name": "MyOrganisationName", "centralPhoneNumber": "0401234567", }, }; function okCallBack(configuration) { alert("OK!\n" + JSON.stringify(configuration, null, 2)); } function cancelCallBack() { alert("CANCEL!"); } Configurator.create('configuratorhtmlelementid', inputConfiguration, okCallBack, cancelCallBack); </script>

The configurator has 2 buttons (ok, cancel) which will call the callback methods. I was able to render the configurator but now I need the callback methods to update the related domain object. I don't know how to 'bind' the callback methods to a Wicket component that will update the domain object.

The file/class structure I wanted to use is as follows.

A view model class (Configurator) for which I want the custom component to be rendered.

@XmlRootElement(name = "configurator") @javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType( propOrder = { "generatedConfig" } ) public class Configurator { @XmlElement @Getter @Setter private String generatedConfig; }

A panel to render the form containing the configurator-element

public class ConfiguratorPanel extends PanelAbstract<ScalarModel> { public ConfiguratorPanel(String id, final ScalarModel model){ super(id, model); buildGui(); } private void buildGui() { ScalarModel model = getModel(); add(new ConfiguratorForm("inputForm", getSettings(), model)); } @Override public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response){ super.renderHead(response); response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(new JavaScriptResourceReference(ConfiguratorForm.class, "configurator-lib.js"))); // external js-library response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(new JavaScriptResourceReference(ConfiguratorForm.class, "configurator-panel.js"))); // file containing above javascript to initialize the configurator } }


<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org";> <body> <wicket:panel> <form wicket:id="inputForm" method="post"> <div id="configuratorhtmlelementid"></div> </form> </wicket:panel> </body> </html>

The methods 'okCallBack' and 'cancelCallBack' somehow have to be 'generated' before the configurator is created from javascript and have to update the Configurator view model. I tried creating a form like PropertyEditForm for generating the callbacks but I can't find out how to do it.

public class ConfiguratorForm extends FormAbstract<ObjectAdapter> { .... }

Anyone having an idea about this? Although it's not really an Apache Isis question I'm hoping someone could give me some directions for how to do this.

Thanks, Erik

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