Hi folks,

I've just cut another release candidate, RC3, for 2.0.0-M8 version of the
Apache Isis Framework.

The source code zip artifact has been uploaded to a staging repository on
https://repository.apache.org, along with its corresponding .asc signature.

In the source code repo the code has been tagged as isis-2.0.0-M8-RC3;
see https://github.com/apache/isis/tags

To verify the source code itself, you can use the following commands
(in an empty directory):


curl https://downloads.apache.org/isis/KEYS > /tmp/KEYS
gpg --import /tmp/KEYS

rm -rf isis-$VERSION

curl -O -L

chmod +x ./verify-isis-release.sh
./verify-isis-release.sh $NEXUSREPONUM $VERSION $RC

You can then test the helloworld or simpleapp starter apps, see:

You can also inspect the website in general, available at:

Please verify the release and cast your vote.
The vote will be open for a minimum of 72 hours.

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