
On Tue, Jul 25, 2023, 8:23 PM Julian Reschke <resc...@apache.org> wrote:

> Severity: critical
> Affected versions:
> - Apache Jackrabbit Webapp (jackrabbit-webapp) 2.21.0 before 2.21.18
> - Apache Jackrabbit Webapp (jackrabbit-webapp) 1.0.0 before 2.20.11
> - Apache Jackrabbit Standalone (jackrabbit-standalone and
> jackrabbit-standalone-components) 2.21.0 before 2.21.18
> - Apache Jackrabbit Standalone (jackrabbit-standalone and
> jackrabbit-standalone-components) 1.0.0 before 2.20.11
> Description:
> Java object deserialization issue in Jackrabbit webapp/standalone on all
> platforms allows attacker to remotely execute code via RMIVersions up to
> (including) 2.20.10 (stable branch) and 2.21.17 (unstable branch) use the
> component "commons-beanutils", which contains a class that can be used for
> remote code execution over RMI.
> Users are advised to immediately update to versions 2.20.11 or 2.21.18.
> Note that earlier stable branches (1.0.x .. 2.18.x) have been EOLd already
> and do not receive updates anymore.
> In general, RMI support can expose vulnerabilities by the mere presence of
> an exploitable class on the classpath. Even if Jackrabbit itself does not
> contain any code known to be exploitable anymore, adding other components
> to your server can expose the same type of problem. We therefore recommend
> to disable RMI access altogether (see further below), and will discuss
> deprecating RMI support in future Jackrabbit releases.
> How to check whether RMI support is enabledRMI support can be over an
> RMI-specific TCP port, and over an HTTP binding. Both are by default
> enabled in Jackrabbit webapp/standalone.
> The native RMI protocol by default uses port 1099. To check whether it is
> enabled, tools like "netstat" can be used to check.
> RMI-over-HTTP in Jackrabbit by default uses the path "/rmi". So when
> running standalone on port 8080, check whether an HTTP GET request on
> localhost:8080/rmi returns 404 (not enabled) or 200 (enabled). Note that
> the HTTP path may be different when the webapp is deployed in a container
> as non-root context, in which case the prefix is under the user's control.
> Turning off RMIFind web.xml (either in JAR/WAR file or in unpacked web
> application folder), and remove the declaration and the mapping definition
> for the RemoteBindingServlet:
>         <servlet>
>             <servlet-name>RMI</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>org.apache.jackrabbit.servlet.remote.RemoteBindingServlet</servlet-class>
>         </servlet>
>         <servlet-mapping>
>             <servlet-name>RMI</servlet-name>
>             <url-pattern>/rmi</url-pattern>
>         </servlet-mapping>
> Find the bootstrap.properties file (in $REPOSITORY_HOME), and set
>          rmi.enabled=false
>     and also remove
>          rmi.host
>          rmi.port
>          rmi.url-pattern
>  If there is no file named bootstrap.properties in $REPOSITORY_HOME, it is
> located somewhere in the classpath. In this case, place a copy in
> $REPOSITORY_HOME and modify it as explained.
> Credit:
> Siebene@ (reporter)
> Michael Dürig (other)
> Manfred Baedke (other)
> References:
> https://lists.apache.org/list.html?users@jackrabbit.apache.org
> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/
> https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2023-37895
> Timeline:
> 2023-06-30: Reported
> 2023-07-20: Release vote for unstable branch with fix
> 2023-07-20: Release vote for stable branch with fix
> 2023-07-24: unstable branch (2.21.18) released
> 2023-07-24: stable branch (2.20.11) released

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