On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 1:55 PM Rogenry Avila <rogenry.av...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have developed a solution for a product that uses Apache Jackrabbit
> 2.16.5 for its repository, configured with a bundle
> MySqlPersistenceManager. It meets all the requirements, but I think the
> responses to queries are slow. On my laptop, for 6k files it takes 10s
> or so.

Are those 6k files stored as JCR binary properties? (I'm curious if
they are served from the DataStore [1], or from the

[1] https://jackrabbit.apache.org/archive/wiki/JCR/DataStore_115513387.html

The results improved a little after increasing the persistance
> manager's bundleCacheSize,

which may improve it by utilizing in-memory caching, especially when
the data is not from the DataStore.

but the first query still continues to take
> the same amount of time. Is it possible to improve these response times?

Or is it possibly because of the database connection configuration
(e.g., no initial connections in the pool, or slow connection to the
backend DB)?



> I haven't found much documentation online. I would appreciate any help.
> Thank you,
> Rogenry

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