The Apache Jackrabbit community is pleased to announce the release of
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.62.0. The release is available for download at:

See the full release notes below for details about this release:

Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.62.0


Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.62.0 is an incremental feature release based
on and compatible with earlier stable Jackrabbit Oak 1.x
releases. This release is considered stable and targeted for
production use.

While Oak 1.62.0 compiles and tests successfully on Java 17, Javadocs
generation fails on Java 17 (but works as expected on Java 11).

The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Changes in Oak 1.62.0

Technical task

    [OAK-6765] - Convert oak-jcr to OSGi R7 annotations
    [OAK-6769] - Convert oak-search-mt to OSGi R7 annotations
[OAK-10623] - oak-core: log a warning when it needs to remap/add a namespace [OAK-10673] - DocumentStore: add test for checking of removal on non-existing map entries [OAK-10708] - DocumentNodeStore: error-log failures to update the journal
    [OAK-10709] - Deprecate oak-search-mt


    [OAK-10500] - javadoc:aggregate build fails again
[OAK-10544] - oak-jcr: remapping a namespace prefix leaves namespace resolver in broken state [OAK-10551] - o.a.j.o.jcr.osgi.RepositoryManager declares OSGi properties that are not used at all [OAK-10576] - oak-search-elastic: dynamicBoost should match only on full text queries on all fields (* or .) [OAK-10590] - Indexing job downloads and creates FFS with full node store if includedPaths is specified as a string instead of array of strings [OAK-10595] - Cached data before a collision rollback can be read as committed [OAK-10611] - o.a.j.o.namepath.JcrPathParser does not handle invalid characters correctly [OAK-10617] - oak-search-elastic: potential deadlock with includePathRestrictions=false and multiple filtered results [OAK-10636] - Tar recovery unsuccessful in oak-segment-tar during initialisation of FileStore
    [OAK-10638] - Build fails on Java 17 due to JAR size limit
[OAK-10650] - MongoDocumentStore.findDocuments can fail with BSON exception [OAK-10652] - Repository writes in SegmentStoreMigrator blocked when migrating to Azure segment store [OAK-10653] - BasicDocumentStoreTest: handle DocumentStoreException on ds.create
    [OAK-10717] - oak-pojosr should be updated to o.a.felix.connect-0.2.0
    [OAK-10735] - Binary data in logs related to the haystack property


[OAK-10573] - Make distinction for azure timeout settings between write and read operations
    [OAK-10604] - Azure Service Principal Support in oak-segment-azure
[OAK-10615] - Azure Service Principal Support in oak-run segment-copy, compact, console


[OAK-10424] - Allow Fast Query Size and Insecure Facets to be selectively enabled with query options for permitted principals
    [OAK-10438] - Remove MULTTHREADED_TRAVERSE_WITH_SORT download strategy
[OAK-10571] - Names of metrics exported by indexing logic are inconsistent
    [OAK-10577] - Advanced repository statistics
[OAK-10580] - Indexing job: improve regex path filtering, support multiple includedPaths [OAK-10589] - Improve regex path filtering to also handle cases where excludedPaths are defined [OAK-10592] - [Indexing job] Add a regex filter to exclude matching entries from being downloaded from Mongo
    [OAK-10607] - Rename Maven property "java.version"
[OAK-10608] - [Indexing job] Improve regex expression used to download from Mongo to make better used of Mongo indexes
    [OAK-10620] - Print summary at the end of the indexing job
[OAK-10635] - BundledTypeRegistry's use of shaded Guava problematic when used outside Oak [OAK-10637] - Indexing job/regex path filtering - when / is the only included path, do not add an explicit filter
    [OAK-10640] - docs: fix external link on lucene multi words synonyms
[OAK-10643] - MongoDocumentStore: improve diagnostics for too large docs
    [OAK-10649] - MemoryDS: add toggle to limit document size
[OAK-10655] - Improve warning emitted for Unexpected changes performed on a non-default mount [OAK-10656] - MongoDocumentStore: keep metrics about document size related exceptions [OAK-10660] - DocumentNodeStore: avoid repeated commits of :childOrder in branch commits [OAK-10661] - oak-search-elastic: remove workaround for elastic/elasticsearch-java/issues/404
    [OAK-10670] - Azure service principal support in oak-upgrade
[OAK-10671] - [Indexing job] - Improve Mongo regex query: remove condition on non-indexed _path field to speedup traversal
    [OAK-10672] - Move internal index version in oak-search
    [OAK-10681] - [indexing job] Support custom filters of paths on Mongo
[OAK-10682] - [Indexing job] Improve Mongo regex filter to only use positive conditions (no negations)


[OAK-10641] - DocumentStore: improve test coverage for large properties / documents [OAK-10642] - Add tests for operations on very large ordered collections


[OAK-10281] - Introduce recoveryDelay to ClusterNodeInfo.isRecoveryNeeded
    [OAK-10570] - oak-run support for fullgc
[OAK-10581] - Remove mock stubbing at the end of the test method in AzureArchiveManagerTest.testWriteAfterLosingRepoLock [OAK-10584] - Checkpoints.getOldestRevisionToKeep shouldn't failed if called read-only
    [OAK-10591] - Bump netty dependency from 4.1.96.Final to 4.1.104.Final
    [OAK-10593] - Upgrade jackson-databind dependency to 2.16.1
[OAK-10594] - Deny write to Azure also for reasons other than operation timeout
    [OAK-10598] - Update Oak trunk and Oak 1.22 to Jackrabbit 2.20.14
    [OAK-10599] - oak-search-elastic: improve aggregations support
    [OAK-10605] - Update (shaded) Guava to 33.0.0
[OAK-10606] - oak-segment-azure/oak-blob-cloud-azure: update embedded Guava to 33.0.0 [OAK-10616] - Make error messages from o.a.j.o.namepath.JcrNameParser/JcrPathParser consistent and less misleading [OAK-10622] - Introduce config option to delay reuse of clusterId after a recover
    [OAK-10639] - NodeImpl: calculate mixinTypes lazy
    [OAK-10644] - JsopBuilder: remove JDK6ism
[OAK-10645] - MongoDS docker container: set default Mongo version to 4.4
    [OAK-10659] - Remove orphaned nodes/documents
    [OAK-10663] - Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin to 5.1.9
    [OAK-10664] - Update spotbugs plugin to
    [OAK-10665] - Update checkstyle-plugin dependency to version 3.3.1
    [OAK-10666] - oak-store-composite: update maven-depends plugin to 1.5.0
    [OAK-10667] - Update jacoco plugin to 0.8.11
    [OAK-10668] - examples: update jetty-maven-plugin to 11.0.20
    [OAK-10669] - Upgrade maven-versions-plugin to 2.16.2
    [OAK-10677] - examples: update build-helper-maven-plugin to 3.5.0
    [OAK-10678] - update gmavenplus plugin to 3.0.2
    [OAK-10683] - Update spring-boot dependency to version 2.7.18
    [OAK-10684] - update maven-shade-plugin version to 3.5.2
[OAK-10686] - parent: add property for Reproducable Builds
    [OAK-10687] - Restore and cleanup SCM information
[OAK-10693] - Incremental FFS build should filter out paths based on mongo regex filters [OAK-10695] - oak-benchmarks/oak-it-osgi: update commons-compress dependency to 1.26.1
    [OAK-10696] - Update Oak trunk and Oak 1.22 to Jackrabbit 2.20.15
    [OAK-10697] - webapp: update Tomcat dependency to 9.0.86
    [OAK-10698] - DocumentStore: max property size tests can fail with OOM
    [OAK-10700] - update testcontainer dependency to 1.19.7
    [OAK-10702] - oak-blob-cloud: update netty dependency to 4.1.107
    [OAK-10703] - oak-doc: add branch history to roadmap
    [OAK-10704] - update azure dependencies
[OAK-10707] - update (historic) org.apache.felix.scr.annotations plugin to version 1.12.0
    [OAK-10712] - update groovy dependency to 2.5.23
[OAK-10713] - oak-lucene: add test coverage for stack overflow based on very long and complex regexp [OAK-10716] - oak-lucene: update to version 4.7.2 (latest from that branch)
    [OAK-10718] - Update (shaded) Guava to 33.1.0
    [OAK-10720] - Update commons-io dependency to 2.15.1
[OAK-10721] - oak-segment-azure/oak-blob-cloud-azure: update embedded Guava to 33.1.0
    [OAK-10722] - Update commons-codec dependency to 1.16.1
    [OAK-10723] - Update commons-lang3 dependency to 3.14.0
    [OAK-10725] - Upgrade jackson-databind dependency to 2.16.2
    [OAK-10729] - update groovy dependency to 3.0.21
    [OAK-10731] - oak-pojosr: remove unused gmongo dependency

In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains all
changes up to the previous release.

For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other
Oak releases, please see the Oak issue tracker at

Release Contents

This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the file for instructions on how to build this release.

The source archive is accompanied by SHA512 checksums and a
PGP signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your
download. The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at

About Apache Jackrabbit Oak

Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.

The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation

Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 140 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 3,800+ contributors.

For more information, visit

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