Hi Handy,

It's two year my society (GruppoImola) works with jena. Our customers are
banks and insurances, so it's important to store triples in a relational DB
instand of File System.
We focused on SDB. We have 5 customers with a semantic application in a
production environment based on jena, sdb and semantic mediawiki.
Untill now we used SDB 1.3.4. We hope our experience may be usefull for you.
Here issue and test:

SDB uses a JDBC connection without autoreconnect.
We have found and a update a project to obtain the outoreconnect feature (
This is an important feature in entrerprice environment because usually it
is not possible restart the server every time the connection falls
We test it using different configurations:

SDB Version (date of download, output of "sdbprint --version"): 1.3.4

Database type and version: mysql 5.0.95, 5.5

OS and version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8, Ubuntu 12.04
and Centos 5.6

JDBC connector: mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar or later

Java: 1.7.0_03 or later

fuseki:  0.2.4


Autoreconnect -> work properly
sparql query -> work properly
sparul query -> work properly

2-Oracle DB support:
SDB support oracle DB 10g.
We tested it and we find a bug.
SDB translates SPARQ to SQL query properly but the outcome query contains
some sql command that Oracle 10g does no supports.
For example the outcome query contains "Limit" (it work properly using
mysql DB). In Oracle DB you should use "rownum" instead.

SDB Version (date of download, output of "sdbprint --version"): 1.3.4

Database type and version: oracle 10g

OS and version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8

JDBC connector: mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar or later

Java: 1.7.0_03 or later

sparql query translation contains "limit" intand of "rownum", so if you use
Oracle 10g query crach.

3-excell output
GruppoImola develop a way to retrieve Sqparql/Sparul query output as Excell
Some customers ask for this feature to avoid to parse CSV to Excell file.
If you are interested in it I can send you the code. It's a fuseky
developed on fuseki 0.2.4.


2012/8/30 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>

> At the moment, SDB is available as a snapshot build of the development
> system or as an old, non-Apache, build from some time ago.
> We'd like to do an Apache release of SDB -- we need your help to do so.
> The barrier to a release is testing - there are many more combinations and
> external factors for SDB than any other component.  We, the developers,
> can't hope to cover all the possibilities.
> So over the next month, we are going to run a release cycle for SDB.
> We ask SDB users to test the current snapshot build and report success or
> failures to this list from running in your own development setups.
> This does not mean SDB will be included in the general Jena release - no
> decision has been made.
> All reports are helpful - database type, database version, OS and version,
> java and version, etc because these can all make a difference.  Even if
> someone else has reported something apparently the same, please do send a
> report - we do keep finding apparently similar setups that are not similar.
> The snapshot repository contains a zip distribution as well as the maven
> artifacts:
> https://repository.apache.org/**content/repositories/**
> snapshots/org/apache/jena/**jena-sdb/<https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/apache/jena/jena-sdb/>
> The current version is:
> 1.3.5-20120829.115815-1.jar
> but testing any 1.3.5 dated after this one is fine (Nexus clears up old
> builds periodically - don't worry if copies disappear).
> There is a tag in svn:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/**asf/jena/tags/jena-sdb-1.3.4-**RC-1/<https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jena/tags/jena-sdb-1.3.4-RC-1/>
> Also: if there are any JIRA contributions that have been overlooked, do
> prompt us and we'll try to include them.
>     Andy
> ------------------------------**------
> SDB testing report:
> SDB Version (date of download, output of "sdbprint --version"):
> Database type and version:
> OS and version:
> JDBC connector:
> Java:
> Report:
> (What worked, what didn't, anything you noticed)

ufficio:  0542 32640
mail:     fpan...@imolinfo.it
cell:      349 3508348
skype:  francie...@gmail.com

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