On 31/10/12 22:14, Carsten Keßler wrote:

I'm using the latest Fuseki snapshot (0.2.6) with TDB and OWL-Mini
inference (the full configuration file:
https://gist.github.com/3990276). When I upload triples through the
graph store endpoint, this works fine and the triples end up in the
named graph specified in the request. However, once I shut down and
start Fuseki again, the named graphs are gone. The triples I have
inserted are still there, though – sitting in the union graph.

Any hints on what might be going wrong here appreciated!



The problem is that some of your setup is in-memory and some on disk.

<#tdb_dataset_readwrite> rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
     ja:defaultGraph <#infModel> .

That is an in-memory dataset with a default graph that is the infModel. By "in-memory" I mean the data structure for the dataset, the named graph map, is in-memory. One graph is persistent - the default graph indirectly

 ja:baseModel <#tdbGraph>;

so the base graph is persistent but the inferences are held in memory.

If you add named graphs, they end up in-memory. That's the default place ja:RDFDataset will create graphs.

fuseki:dataset needs to be a tdb:DatasetTDB for the whole dataset to be persistent. Hooking up the (graph-based, memory-based) reasoner isn't going to work for new graphs created in a dataset.


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