On 27/10/12 00:31, Ondřej Hoferek wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to use the full text search with LARQ for accent-insensitive
matching. I.e. pattern {?literal pf:textMatch "laska"} should also return
literal "láska žije".

I know that in Lucene, there is a class ISOLatin1AccentFilter which can be
used while building/querying the index. However, I don't know how to use it
from within LARQ.

Is there any way to achieve my goal?

Hi Ondrey,
look at the LARQ sources and in particular at how IndexLARQ is used.

That class has a couple of constructors which takes as a parameter a Lucene analyzer.

Please, try to see if those helps you.


Best regards,

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