Thanks for the reply Dave.

It seems that
Fig. 5 explains what you are explaining in your email. I still believe
thought that javadocs should be more clear about this.

Thanks again

Papadakos Panagiotis

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Dave Reynolds <>wrote:

> On 24/01/13 13:08, Panagiotis Papadakos wrote:
>> Ian and Dave, thank you both for your help.
>> I didn't post the correct code and I am sorry for this.
>> Regarding the ontology, I know it is not correct.
>> Maybe changing Europe to European, Germany to German, etc. would be
>> better.
>> Now regarding the listInstances method, I still believe something is
>> wrong either in the code, in the API or in my way of thinking.
>> listInstances is supposed to return the instances, either direct or
>> instances of its subclasses. Unfortunately if I use a simple RDF_MEM
>> model with no inference, listInstances(false) for the Manufacturer class
>> returns no result. Somehow I feel this is wrong.
>> I was thinking that internally, since there is no inference, jena should
>> visit each subclass, and the subclasses of them, etc. getting the direct
>> instances of each one and returning all the instances of the class and
>> its subclasses. Is this correct?
> No.
> The notion is that reasoning is the job of the reasoner and that the
> OntAPI provides convenient access to that, but doesn't duplicate it. There
> are a few special cases but in general if you want reasoning then configure
> a reasoner.
>  Now regarding listInstances(true), I am supposing that it should return
>> all direct instances of the class, even if these instances are also
>> instances of a subclass (which for example can happen if I load the
>> TestInference.rdf file).
> No. That's the point of direct, as it says in the javadoc setting
> direct=true means "excluding sub-classes of this class".
> If something is also an instance of a subclass of C then it is not a
> direct instance of C and should not be returned by listInstances(true).
> Dave


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