On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 07/02/13 21:46, Rurik Thomas Greenall wrote:
>> I fixed the major issue (Apache2 required being stopped and started again
>> for edits on httpd.conf to take).
>> The current setup is problematic because I have to use a rewrite and this
>> seems to break many things for Fuseki…
> Please say what breaks for you.  All you've said is "breaks many things"
> -- what exactly?

Sorry, yes. My point here was that this is a problem that has nothing to do
with Fuseki and everything to do with my setup.


>> RewriteEngine on
>> RewriteRule ^/data/(.*)$ http://localhost:3030/$1 [P]
>> ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/webapp/
>> ProxyPassReverse /bml ajp://localhost:8009/webapp/
>> I'm new to ProxyPass, so any help here is gratefully received.
>> Rurik
> ProxyPass is better than RewriteRule[P]
> RewriteRule, by default discards the query string to allow you to put in a
> new one - you need [QSA] to pass through the query string.
We use ProxyPass e.g.
> ProxyPass /WHATEVER/sparql  
> http://localhost:3030/**WHATEVER/sparql<http://localhost:3030/WHATEVER/sparql>max=3
>         Andy
I have adjusted my setup and everything now works, so thanks for the

>> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>  On 05/02/13 17:50, Rurik Greenall wrote:
>>>  I have a small issue regarding Fuseki and a reverse proxy in Apache2 on
>>>> Cent OS on a virtual server. I want quickly to eliminate the possibility
>>>> the the issue is related to Fuseki.
>>>> Are there any known limitations here?
>>> No (Epimorphics does this routinely).
>>> What's the issue?
>>> What is your httpd conf setup?
>>>          Andy
>>>  Regards,
>>>> Rurik.

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