I'd like to talk about all integers greater then 400.

This appears to be what I'm looking to do.

Seems I need to create a file such that reading it in will create the user
types that I'm interested in. First, can I do this grammatically instead?
If not, what
is this file supposed to look like? (my installastion of Jena doesn't have
a testing
folder let alone a file called jena2/testing/xsd/daml+oil-ex-dt.xsd)

Thanks in advance for any insight.

Mark Fischer

The Manchester OWL syntax I'm trying to emulate is
"hasColoroficContentValue some integer[>= 400]"

I believe that I want to do something akin to
model.createSomeValuesFromRestriction(null, hasColorificContentValue,

Only I need to replace xsd:integer with the facet I want.

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