The magic happens in SPARQL_Query#sendResults(HttpAction action,
SPARQLResult result, Prologue qPrologue)
        if ( result.isResultSet() )
result.getResultSet(), qPrologue) ;

which eventually leads me to

94: ResponseResultSet#doResponseResultSet$(HttpAction action, ResultSet
resultSet, Boolean booleanResult, Prologue qPrologue)
blah blah blah
        if ( equal(serializationType, WebContent.contentTypeResultsXML) )
            sparqlXMLOutput(action, contentType, resultSet, stylesheetURL,
booleanResult) ;
        else if ( equal(serializationType,
WebContent.contentTypeResultsJSON) )
            jsonOutput(action, contentType, resultSet, booleanResult) ;
        else if ( equal(serializationType, WebContent.contentTypeTextPlain)
            textOutput(action, contentType, resultSet, qPrologue,
booleanResult) ;
        else if ( equal(serializationType, WebContent.contentTypeTextCSV) )
            csvOutput(action, contentType, resultSet, booleanResult) ;
        else if (equal(serializationType, WebContent.contentTypeTextTSV) )
            tsvOutput(action, contentType, resultSet, booleanResult) ;
            errorBadRequest("Can't determine output serialization:
"+serializationType) ;

Right now I'm putting my bets on the resultSet above... which is
subsequently ServletOutputStream object being the golden snitch I am
looking for. It feeds down until I eventually I find

            ServletOutputStream out = action.response.getOutputStream() ;

I am hoping that this out object is the one I am after.
It would be nice if it was :0)

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been jumping in and around jena-fuseki in Eclipse; getting to know it
> a 'bit' better.
> Recent feedback has really helped me to move on with this.
> I've found myself in a scenario where I need to:
> * submit queries to an in memory dataset in Fuseki and get a results stream
> * manipulate the results stream on the server side. An example of this
> would be the following: say I 'know' what will be in the results stream. I
> can pull out elements from the stream and use them for specific tasks. The
> purpose of this is explained next.
> * use individual values from the results stream as input to web
> service(s). Again, it is NOT OK for me to have unknown, inconsistent,
> non-uniform values within the results stream. If I 'know' what is in the
> results stream then my logic for assigning the correct value as the correct
> input for a particular web service works fine.
> My current focus is therefore pinpointing which object holds the results
> stream once a query has been submitted and the Fuseki server has done it's
> magic. Right now I'm am assuming I would need to register a new Servlet to
> store and manage the above workflow.
> This object which stores the results stream is my priority right now. Can
> anyone help me pin point it please?
> Thankyou v much.
> Lewis
> --
> *Lewis*


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