
When kamil's message originally arrived, I ask kamil to subscribe and resend, and it's the resent message the list got first.

The earlier message may then have been let through by another moderator ... which then looks like a duplicate.


On 18/08/13 22:59, Joshua TAYLOR wrote:
Hi kamil,

It appears that you asked this exact question a day or two ago, and I
replied [1] to that posting.  Did that approach work for you?  If not,
can you say what didn't work for you?  Perhaps the issues can be



On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 6:45 PM, kamil <> wrote:
Dear Jena experts,

our team is developing a game where the game status is represented by an
ontology and the game logic is represented by rules.
We want to use the Jena reasoning in the first place and maybe switch to
a reasoner later on.

Currently I am looking for a rule that creates new NAMED individuals.

my 1st try was:
@prefix pre: <>.
[growTree:(?a rdf:type pre:AppleSeed) (?b rdf:type pre:Soil) (?c
rdf:type pre:Water)(?b pre:contains ?a) (?b pre:contains ?c) (?s
rdf:type pre:Sun) (?s pre:shinesOn ?b) makeTemp(?tree) -> print ('tree
name: ' + ?tree) (?tree rdf:type pre:AppleTree) (?tree rdf:about pre:tree1)]

Although i get same cryptic string from the print statement:

'tree name: ' + -7c9954a7:1406f1f250f:-7ffc
'tree name: ' + -7c9954a7:1406f1f250f:-7ffb

Jena throws an exception when I try to use rdf:about in a triple.
Exception in thread "main"
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.InvalidPropertyURIException: rdf:about

My 2nd try was to use makeInstance in a backward rule.

@prefix pre: <>.
[growTree:  makeInstance(?b, pre:hasOntop, ?tree)  <- (?a rdf:type
pre:AppleSeed) (?b rdf:type pre:Soil) (?c rdf:type pre:Water)(?b
pre:contains ?a) (?b pre:contains ?c) (?s rdf:type pre:Sun) (?s
pre:shinesOn ?b) ]

This is syntacticly correct but does not result in a named Individual in
the Ontology

My 3rd try was to write a hybrid rule:

@prefix pre: <>.
[growTree: (?a rdf:type pre:AppleSeed) (?b rdf:type pre:Soil) (?c
rdf:type pre:Water)(?b pre:contains ?a) (?b pre:contains ?c) (?s
rdf:type pre:Sun) (?s pre:shinesOn ?b) -> [(?tree rdf:type
pre:AppleTree) <- makeInstance(?b, pre:hasOntop, pre:Soil ?tree)   ]]

This resultst a least in a


in the ontology but it has neither an rdf:about-attribute nor is it
bound to something.

I would be very grateful if someone gives me a hint.

Thanks in advance.


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