On 28/09/13 09:58, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

hi all

I wonder if something is wrong with this query or with Fuseki 0.2.5.
All variables except ep2 are bound in the result:

Yes - that's what I expect.

select ?ep ?ep2 ?s ?p ?o where {
  BIND ('X' as ?ep)
   select (?ep as ?ep2) ?s ?p ?o where { ?s ?p ?o } limit 1

I tried it also with BIND (?ep as ?ep2) instead of select (?ep as ?ep2) but
without success.

Query evaluation is functional - execute the inner parts and combine them together. (1+2) * (4+5) is calc 1+2 and calc 4+5 then pass 3 and 9 to * to get 27.

Inner part:
BIND ('X' as ?ep)

One row, ?ep is 'X'

Inner part:
select (?ep as ?ep2) ?s ?p ?o where { ?s ?p ?o } limit 1

?ep is unbound so ?ep2 is unbound.

now join them, ?ep is bound on one side (from BIND) not on the other (from SELECT).



Michael Brunnbauer


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