Hi Andy,
Thanks for your careful explanation.  It helps a lot.   As an aside, I did 
rerun the experiment with
which allowed the code to produce the following:

    xmlns:j.0="http://"; > 
  <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="A0">
    <j.0:p rdf:resource="http://o"/>

I was running down an issue in our stack that I still believe is related to 
blank nodes when I concocted the example we are discussing.  I made in error in 
thinking I could test the blank node handling with the data I created which had 
the missing qname in URI issue.  I then tried to validate using Rapper, which 
is what generated the snippet I provided.  Since this was not related to 
bnode's the issue becomes much less important for me.  However, now that I've 
run into this and experienced what our users will experience I do have some 
minor concerns that remain.  It seems to me the error message could be improved 
if some context were provided.  If a user were seeing this when serializing a 
result set of thousands or millions of statements, I think they would be hard 
pressed to find a way to isolate the URI causing the issue.

The current message:
Only well-formed absolute URIrefs can be included in RDF/XML output: <http://> 
Code: 57/REQUIRED_COMPONENT_MISSING in HOST: A component that 
is required by the scheme is missing.

doesn't point to the URI that caused the issue or, better yet, the statement.  
Perhaps an improved message would look something like:
The statement: 
_:b0 <http://p> <http://o> 
contains the malformed URI <http://p>.   Only well-formed absolute URIrefs can 
be included in RDF/XML output: <http://> Code: 57/REQUIRED_COMPONENT_MISSING in 
HOST: A component that is required by the scheme is missing.

If you agree this would be a useful enhancement then I could file an RFE and 
try to come up with a patch as well.


> From: Andy Seaborne <andy.seaborne.apa...@gmail.com>
>To: users@jena.apache.org 
>Sent: Saturday, October 5, 2013 3:49 AM
>Subject: Re: RDF/XML serializer issue with blank nodes
>Hi Tim,
>It's not to do with blank nodes.
>On 05/10/13 02:05, Tim Harsch wrote:
>> The following gist:
>> https://gist.github.com/harschware/6835202
>> shows what I think may be a bug in the RDF/XML serializer.  If I'm not 
>> mistaken the output should look like something like this:
>>    <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="b0">
>>      <ns0:p xmlns:ns0="http://"; rdf:resource="http://o"/>
>>    </rdf:Description>
>That would be:
><?xml version="1.0"?>
>     xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
>     >
>   <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="b0">
>     <ns0:p xmlns:ns0="http://"; rdf:resource="http://o"/>
>   </rdf:Description>
>(I don't do "something like this"!)
>> I can file a bug if there isn't one already.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>Exception in thread "main" com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.BadURIException: Only 
>well-formed absolute URIrefs can be included in RDF/XML output: 
><http://> Code: 57/REQUIRED_COMPONENT_MISSING in HOST: A component that 
>is required by the scheme is missing.
>In Turtle etc, prefix names are defined by string concatenation.
>XML has namespace rules.  They are different.
>Definition: An XML namespace is identified by a URI reference [RFC3986]; 
>element and attribute names may be placed in an XML namespace using the 
>mechanisms described in this specification.
>so the namespace name must be a URI.
>http://p is a legal URI but to create the property in RDF/XML you need a 
>The local part of a qname can't be the empty string (this is a gotcha if 
>you think Turtle).
>Hence you thinking of "http://"; but that's not a valid URI.
>It would have been better if the code had not tried http:// in the first 
>place (e.g. http://example/123 gives "InvalidPropertyURIException")
>The writer has stopped you creating illegal XML.  Some XML parsers will 
>reject it; there are some very strict parsers.  Xerces is a bit more 
>Jena parses the form above with a warning:
>WARN  {W124} toAscii failed for namespace URI: <http://>. Bad 
>Internationalized Domain Name: String index out of range: 0
>"Be strict in what you output, be generous in what you accept."
>    Andy

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