I think jena employs named graphs as a way to achieve reification. As named
graphs can achieve reification by attaching only one statement with named
Is it possible to express information of the following form using named
graphs, if yes then can someone please help me write this information using
named graphs, so that I may import the same into Jena:

     _:a rdf:subject "Mr X".
     _:a rdf:predicate "isPresident".
     _:a rdf:object "countryZ".
     _:a saidBy "Tia".
     _:a saidOn "29 October 2013".
     _:a saidAt "New York".
     _:a confidence 0.9.
     _:a comment "This is just a comment by Tia".

Is it possible to write the corresponding query Jena using named graph
query on the above given data?

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