in new_tests the model Contract test (

        public void testRead_InputStream_String_String() throws Exception {
                InputStream is = getInputStream("TestReaders.nt");
                String lang = "N-TRIPLE";

                assertSame("read() must return model", model,
                      , "foo:/bar/", lang));

                                "Start graph missing",
                                SL.hasStart(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 
"someEvent", model,
                                                GraphEvents.startRead })));
                                "end graph missing",
                                SL.hasEnd(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 
"someEvent", model,
                                                GraphEvents.finishRead })));

                // FIXME add tests for converting relative to base.
                // assertTrue( "Can not find resolved relative statement",
                // model.contains( resource( "foo:/bar/e"), property( 

                is = getInputStream("TestReaders.nt");

                assertSame("read() must return model", model,
                      , null, lang));

                                "Start graph missing",
                                SL.hasStart(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 
"someEvent", model,
                                                GraphEvents.startRead })));
                                "end graph missing",
                                SL.hasEnd(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { 
"someEvent", model,
                                                GraphEvents.finishRead })));

                // FIXME add tests for relative .
                // Resource s = ResourceFactory.createProperty( null, "e"
                // ).asResource();
                // Property p = ResourceFactory.createProperty( null, "p5");
                // assertTrue( "Can not find relative statement", 
model.contains( s, p
                // ));


So the contract says the model must emit a GraphEvents.startRead and a
GraphEvents.finishRead.  Other than that the contents of the events
between the start and finish are not defined, so either a single
addedStatements or multiple addedStatement are acceptable.


On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> On 30/10/13 16:21, Altmann, Michael wrote:
>> I am trying to upgrade our application from Jen 2.7.3 to 2.11.0 It
>> appears that in Jena 2.7.3, null, "RDF/XML") fired
>> a single ModelChangedListener.**addedStatements
> IIRC not necessarily a single call - won't it be once per 1000 statements
> or so?  ARP batches updates and send them in clumps to the model.  Each
> clump caused addedStatements(Statement[])
> The other parsers have never done this.
>  whereas
>>, null, "TTL") fired separate addedStatement
>> events.
>> Now in 2.11.0, both types of load emit only
>> ModelChangedListener.**addedStatement events.
>> Was this change intentional?  I don't see anything in the issues.
> Not so much intentional but it is a consequence of unifying the handling
> of parsing.
> Rather than leave the contract to the particular reader (hence different
> behaviour in 2.7.3 for RDF/XML and TTL, compared to 2.11.0).  And its not
> part of any contract which of the addedStatements calls gets called and how.
> There is a nesting GraphEvents.startRead , GraphEvents.finishRead pair
> around each parser run.  That puts the event boundaries on something more
> logical and less implementation sensitive.  (get via the graph level
> handler)
> This is something worth sorting out - its the bulkupdate issue in
> disguise.  Putting in logical boundaries for changes looks like the right
> thing to do, and reflect the fact that deletion is not like addition in
> reverse.
> (does anything need bulk delete signalling not by pattern?  mixes of
> adds/deletes over and above add/delete notification of each change?).
>         Andy
>> Thanks, Michael

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