
I am getting not found error (the snapshot is given below)

when I execute the following query

" ./s-query --service http://localhost:3030/dataset 'SELECT ?product ?label 
WHERE {?product rdfs:label ?label . ?product a %ProductType% . ?product 
bsbm:productFeature %ProductFeature1% . ?product bsbm:productFeature 
%ProductFeature2% . ?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?value1 . FILTER 
(?value1 > %x%)} ORDER BY ?label LIMIT 10' "

I am using TDB store and Fuseqi SPARQL interface. I start server using the 

"./fuseki-server --update --loc=/usr/local/BSBD  /dataset"

What is going wrong here?

Your suggestion would be highly appreciated.


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