You can pass models as parameters to methods (just like any other Java
object).  The code in this message looks like it may have been mangled
on its way to the list.  It's certainly not in a compilable state at
the moment.  E.g., lines like

    Product.addProperty(category_n, classDetails.get(    );

don't even have balanced parentheses.  It will be much easier to see
what the problem is if you can provide a minimal example that other
people can use to reproduce the error, and if you show what error
you're actually getting.  E.g., when you say that  "[you] tried
passing the model in a parameter list from  It did not
work: `Annotator.printAnnotations(model).`", what do you mean that it
didn't work?  Did you get a compilation error?  Were you able to run
it, but it produced different results than what you'd been expected?
Or something else entirely?

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Mona Salem <> wrote:
> Hi
> I am a newbie to Jena.
> I want to be able to add rdf statements to my model in two different  .java
> classes; ie and
> I did the following:
> public class Parser {
>     public static Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
>    Resource Product = model.createResource(ItemAddress);
> //create the properties
> Property category1 = model.createProperty("http:   .);
> Property category2 = model.createProperty("http:   .);
> Property category3 = model.createProperty("http:   .);
> .
> .
> .
> Property category_n = model.createProperty("http:   .);
> //add  object
> Product.addProperty(category1,     );
> Product.addProperty(category2,     );
> .
> .
> .
> }
> I want to load values for category_n in a method of the second  class:
> public class Annotator{
>    private static void printAnnotations(JsonNode annotations){
>         for (JsonNode annotation : annotations){
>        System.out.println("       something here");
> Product.addProperty(category_n, classDetails.get(    );
>   }
> }
> Note that the loop in the printAnnotations method will create multiple rdf
> statements with same pair resource/predicate and multiple objects.
> I tried passing the model in a parameter list from  It did not
> work
> Annotator.printAnnotations(model).
> I thought making the model public would make this work.
> Should I use an array in Annotator to collect the values in the loop?
> Thanks for the help.
> Mona

Joshua Taylor,

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