Sorry, I missed this while travelling and just realized it hasn't been answered.

There is no named graph support in the reasoners nor is there reasoner/tdb integration so that I'm afraid that what you want is not possible out of the box.


On 24/01/14 16:26, Rohana Rajapakse wrote:

Can someone pass me a jena tdb config with a reasoner (say rdfs reasoner)
that applies to all named-graphs.

My application requirements are such that i need to insert/delete data into
existing named-graphs as well as add new datasets into new named graphs on
the fly. I will be making sparql queries against a given named-graph and/or
the "union graph". In both cases, I would like to find infered-triples.

If the above is not possible, is it possible to configure Fuseki tdb to
have inferred-triples in the union (default) graph. I am thinking of adding
data into named graphs and querying them on the union graph. In this case,
when data is inserted into named graphs, the inference engine should
kick-in and add inferred triples into either into the corresponding named
graph or if possible into the default union graph.

Hope I explained my requirement clearly.


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