Use the asDatasetGraph() method to get a lower level view of the dataset -

You can then use one of the add() methods to insert the data.

If the data is to be appended to the existing graph then you need to use
the add(Quad) or the add(Node, Node, Node, Node) method.  If the data is
to replace the existing named graph you can use the addGraph(Node, Graph)
method instead.


On 06/05/2014 03:10, "Ganesh kumar" <> wrote:

>Hi All,
>I am trying to insert triples into Jena TDB (triples are added into simple
>models and then inserted).
>The models are built at runtime for a particular group of triples, and
>it needs to be persisted into Jena TDB.
>Resource node = getRdfModel().createResource(nodeStr);
>for (Entry<String, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
>String attributeName = entry.getKey();
>attributeName = processAttributes(attributeName);
>propertyStr = buildURI(attributeName, source,,
>String val = processValue(entry);
> dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE);
>try {
>// TODO: This insert is not really effecient. The getnamed model loads the
>data from the TDB into memory which is making the insert slow. Is there a
>effecient way of inserting the data to TDB like a cursor with less memory
>usage ?
>                       dataset.getNamedModel(source).add(getRdfModel());
>//After commit the getRDFModel() will be reseted.
>} finally {
>When I call the getNamedmodel function, it loads the data from TDB which
>quite large. Is there a way to insert the data without loading the data
>into main memory ?
>or any other effecient way of inserting data using Jena api?
>This is a data migration study project, so more data will keep flowing in.
>Thanks in advance for your help & guidance.

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