Thanks, I've understood my problem.

I was trying to produce minimal config version to reproduce the bigger

I am using a generic jena rules reasoner and I'm trying to make it work for
all named graphs. But it seems like it can be applied only to a model
(which as I believe is just a more complex representation of graph of
triples, not quads) and I needed it for whole dataset.

What I need is basic forward-chain rule reasoner inside each named graph,
without no interference this others.

I was trying all combinations I could image for assembler config file, but
it was just named graph persistence was broke or reasoning not working. Or

So what do I do? Am I doing something logically wrong and it's not fixable,
or I need some more configuration magic, or I need to write some java code
to create my own smart dataset implementation with all blackjack and
hookers I need?

On 12 May 2014 16:23, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Your setup creates an in-memory dataset and put a single graph from TDB
> into that dataset and only that graph.  New graphs will go into the
> in-memory dataset, which isn't persistent.
> SPARQL operations act on datasets.
> Is there a specific reason for this setup?
> To attach the whole TDB dataset to the server, use:
> ...
>      fuseki:dataset <#dataset>.
> <#dataset>       tdb:DatasetTDB ;
>     tdb:location "DB" ;
>     .
> ...
> then new graphs go into TDB (transactionally).
>         Andy
> On 11/05/14 21:01, Сергей Антоненко wrote:
>> Hello everybody.
>> I have jena-fuseki-1.0.1 configured using this file:
>> ///
>> @prefix :        <#> .
>> @prefix fuseki:  <> .
>> @prefix rdf:     <> .
>> @prefix rdfs:   <> .
>> @prefix tdb:     <> .
>> @prefix ja:      <> .
>> @prefix sdb: <> .
>> [] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
>>     fuseki:services (
>>       <#tdb>
>>     ) .
>> [] ja:loadClass "com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDB" .
>> <#tdb> rdf:type fuseki:Service;
>>      fuseki:name "tdb";
>>      fuseki:serviceQuery "sparql";
>>      fuseki:serviceUpdate "update";
>>      fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore "data";
>>      fuseki:dataset <#dataset>.
>> tdb:GraphTDB
>>      rdfs:subClassOf ja:Model.
>> <#dataset>
>>      rdf:type ja:RDFDataset.
>> <#tdbGraph>
>>      rdf:type tdb:GraphTDB;
>>      tdb:location "DB".
>> ///
>> To reproduce an error, I make this query sequence:
>> ///
>> ///
>> PREFIX example: <>
>> CREATE GRAPH example:graphs
>> ///
>> PREFIX example: <>
>> WITH example:graphs
>> INSERT  {
>> example:graph1 a example:graph.
>> example:graph2 a example:graph.
>> } WHERE {}
>> ///
> Same effect with INSERT DATA
>    GRAPH example:graphs {
>      example:graph1 a example:graph.
>      example:graph2 a example:graph.
>   }
> }
>> Then I perform SELECT query:
>> ///
>> PREFIX example: <>
>> GRAPH example:graphs {
>> ?s ?p ?o
>> }
>> }
>> ///
>> Which returns me correct result:
>> ///
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------
>> | s              | p                                                 |
>> o             |
>> ============================================================
>> ==========================
>> | example:graph1 | <> |
>> example:graph |
>> | example:graph2 | <> |
>> example:graph |
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------
>> ///
>> But after restarting fuseki server, the query above returns empty set. And
>> all the data in default graph remains in database.
>> Why does it happen? Is this a kind of a problem I can fix?

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