On 12/05/14 18:26, Tim Harsch wrote:
According to the docs:

These are all available as static member variables from

Of these types, the following are registered as the default type to use to
represent certain Java classes:
   Java class xsd type   Float float  Double double  Integer int  Long long
Short short  Byte byte  BigInteger integer  BigDecimal decimal  Boolean
Boolean  String string

This is what I am seeing for xsd:short and xsd:byte.  I'm puzzled by the
type from getValue.


System.out.println( "RDFDatatype: " + literal.getDatatype().toString() );
System.out.println( "Datatype URI: " + literal.getDatatypeURI() );
System.out.println( "getValue java class: " +


RDFDatatype: Datatype[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#byte -> class
Datatype URI: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#byte
getValue java class: class java.lang.Integer
RDFDatatype: Datatype[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#short -> class
Datatype URI: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#short
getValue java class: class java.lang.Integer

So, is the expected behavior?

Yes, or at least that's the implemented behaviour and has been for some time.

The getValue() code picks a Java datatype big enough for the actual value out of Integer, Long and BigInteger.

Arguably it would be better if it round tripped so that a java short would become an xsd:short and would return a Short from getValue.

The issue is largely historical. Partly its that the code was developed while the RDF datatype handling was still in flux. Partly it's convenience - a lot of people use xsd:integer (i.e. arbitrary size) in their RDF (because that's what you get in Turtle if you use number syntax) but expect them to be Integers in java "unless they are too big". Round-tripping from java was never a requirement. Having once implemented it that way we created a backward compatibility issue if we wanted to change it.

I suspect that changing so that short and byte round tripped would be OK. But equally I suspect that dropping the truncation of smaller BigIntegers to Integers would cause problems.

This might be something to revisit in any future Jena 3 though doesn't seem like much of a priority - xsd:byte or xsd:short don't seem to be very much used in RDF in the wild.


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