
Please read the rest of my message which directly addresses the problem.

>     You keep changing the URIs : sometimes they have "com.telemis.core"
>     and sometimes just "com.core".

Also, please check your data. It is not valid - there is junk on the end of the file.

When fixed, and the query fixed, you will get results with TDB or in-memory.


On 24/06/14 11:35, Frederic Toublanc wrote:
Here the full file exported.

2014-06-24 12:13 GMT+02:00 Andy Seaborne <

    Your data is unreadable - please check below and see what I see:

     > Here the extracted model (TURTLE) :
     > *        a       <http://com.core.aim.base/__ImageAnnotation
     > <http://com.core.aim.base/__ImageAnnotation
    <http://com.core.aim.base/ImageAnnotation>>> ;*

    That is not legal.

    Please send readable, legal data.

    You keep changing the URIs : sometimes they have "com.telemis.core"
    and sometimes just "com.core".

    If the URIs align, you should get results.


    On 24/06/14 09:48, Frederic Toublanc wrote:

        I tried this :

                                                          String uri =
        String query = "PREFIX base:<http://com.core.aim.__base/
        <http://com.core.aim.base/>> " +

           "PREFIX rdfs:<
        <>> " +
           "PREFIX image:<http://com.core.aim.__base/Image/
        <http://com.core.aim.base/Image/>> " +
        "SELECT * {" +
           " ?x a base:ImageAnnotation ;" +
        " base:images ?seq ." +
           " ?seq rdfs:member image:" + uid  +
        " }";

        and i have no result.

        Then i tried this :

                                                       String query =
        "PREFIX base:<
        http://com.core.aim.base/> " +
           "PREFIX rdfs:<
        <>> " +
           "PREFIX image:<http://com.core.aim.__base/Image/
        <http://com.core.aim.base/Image/>> " +
        "SELECT * {" +
           " ?x a base:ImageAnnotation ;" +
        " base:images ?seq ." +
           " }";

        And i have the following result :

        | x

          | seq  |
        | <
        | _:b0 |

        It seems that the rdfs:member doesn't work :(

        Here the extracted model (TURTLE) :

        *        a       <http://com.core.aim.base/__ImageAnnotation
        <http://com.core.aim.base/ImageAnnotation>>> ;*
        *        <http://com.core.aim.base/__images
        *                [ a
        <>>> ;*
        *                ] ;*
        *        <http://com.core.aim.base/__xsiType
        <>>> .*

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