On 10/9/14 3:39 AM, "Andy Seaborne" <a...@apache.org> wrote:

>Which version of Jena are you referring to? (the line number for
>RDFDataMgr does not seem to line up).

This is from the 2.11.2 version of jena-arq
In the git master branch, the corresponding code is at line 1331:

    private static void write$(OutputStream out, DatasetGraph dataset,
RDFFormat serialization)
        WriterDatasetRIOT w = createDatasetWriter$(serialization) ;
        w.write(out, dataset, RiotLib.prefixMap(dataset), null, null) ; //
line 1331

>And what's the data being serialized?  There is some BananaDRF
>processing applied to the data read in teh example.  Could you provide
>(N-Triples is quite forgiving) the data or a short, standalone program
>that can produce it?

The test was originally written like this:

  "write simple graph as TURTLE string" in {
    val turtleString = writer.asString(referenceGraph,
    turtleString should not be ('empty)
    val graph = Await.result(reader.read(turtleString, rdfCore),
Duration(1, SECONDS))
    assert(referenceGraph isIsomorphicWith graph)

At this point, "referenceGraph" is well-formed: every URI is absolute

@http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/publisher http://www.w3.org/;
@http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator "Art Barstow";
@http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator "Dave Beckett"}

When writer.asString() executes, it calls this:

    def asString(graph: Jena#Graph, base: String): Try[String] = Try {
      val result = new StringWriter()
      import org.w3.banana.jena.Jena.ops._
      val relativeGraph : Jena#Graph = graph.relativize(URI(base))
      RDFDataMgr.write(result, relativeGraph, lang)

graph.relativize() is a banana-rdf API -- it constructs a new Jena Graph:

 {ntriples/ @http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator "Dave Beckett";
  ntriples/ @http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator "Art Barstow";
  ntriples/ @http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/publisher http://www.w3.org/}

As I mentioned above, the Jena API RDFDataMgr.write() does not provide a
way to pass a base URI for the graph.
So given a relative Jena Graph as input, we get the serialization of that
graph which is also relative (as the value of the "result" string writer:

<ntriples/>     <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator> "Dave Beckett" ,
"Art Barstow" ;
<http://www.w3.org/> .

>There is some confusion about relative URIs here.


>The RDF data model is defined in terms of absolute URIs.  A relative URI
>should never occur in an RDF graph.  They can occur in RDF syntax.

However, the Jena API -- specifically RDFDataMgr.write() -- seems to
exepect that all URIs in the input graph are absolute since it does not
provide support for specifying a base URI for relative URIs in the graph.

>A base URI on writing is used to convert an absolute URI to a relative
>one in the output syntax.  As the base URI is also written out, the
>whole RDF Graph still has absolute URIs when read back in again.

I think the problem is the following:

- it is possible to construct a Jena Graph where some URIs are relative.
- some of Jena's "write" APIs do not provide a way to specify the base URI
for converting relative URIs in the graph into absolute URIs in the output
syntax (whether it is using a "@base" or not)

>The report you reference was caused by "" as a subject URI.  That's not
>legal RDF. <> is not "".

Sorry -- I don't understand what you're referring to.

>Supplying the baseURI on writing only affects the abbreviation of URIs
>in the data. They must be absolute in the data in the first place.

I agree with you except that, as I explained above, it *is* possible to
construct Jena Graphs where some URIs are relative.
Perhaps writing such graphs (regardless of the output format) should throw
an exception unless one is supplying a base URI.

>BananaRDF has some way to use Jena so that it creates the output it
>wants.  I thought BananaRDF achieved this by adding some sort of
>identifiable maker to URIs as the initial part of the URI.


Here's my understanding of the design & goal of the banana-rdf API (I'm a
recent user)

banana-rdf is effectively a parameterized API for RDF.
The API parameter "binds" the generic banana-rdf API types & operations to
the types & operations of a particular API library (e.g. Jena, Sesame,

So normally, it shouldn't matter which library one uses -- Jena, Sesame,
etc.. -- the results should be consistent.

For example, reading a graph with one API and reading the same graph with
another API should result in 2 API-specific graphs
that should be isomorphic to each other as far as the W3 RDF spec is

Banana-rdf provides a generic API for constructing RDF graphs -- I.e., the
same code can be compiled by binding the parameter to, e.g. The Jena API
or the Sesame API.
Similarly, constructing a graph with the banana-rdf API and serializing
with different libraries -- e.g., Jena, Sesame -- should result in 2
API-specific serializations of graphs that should be isomorphic to each
other as far as the W3 RDF spec is concerned.

- Nicolas.

>       Andy
>On 09/10/14 00:26, Rouquette, Nicolas F (313D) wrote:
>> I understand that several folks have had this exception in conjunction
>> with Fuseki/TDB:
>> ge:1+mid:fur2joez3ny5ibvw+state:results
>> I've tracked down this exception in a Scala example from the
>> project -- specifically:
>> 3/banana/examples/IOExample.scala
>> This exception happens during the RDF/XML serialization:
>> Unparser.wObjStar() line: 358        
>> Unparser.wRDF() line: 345    
>> Unparser.write() line: 247   
>> Abbreviated.writeBody(Model, PrintWriter, String, Boolean) line: 142 
>> BaseXMLWriter.writeXMLBody(Model, PrintWriter, String) line: 492     
>> BaseXMLWriter.write(Model, Writer, String) line: 464 
>> Abbreviated.write(Model, Writer, String) line: 127   
>> BaseXMLWriter.write(Model, OutputStream, String) line: 450   
>> AdapterRDFWriter.write(OutputStream, Graph, PrefixMap, String, Context)
>> line: 52     
>> RDFDataMgr.write$(OutputStream, Graph, RDFFormat) line: 1262 
>> RDFDataMgr.write(OutputStream, Graph, RDFFormat) line: 1028  
>> RDFDataMgr.write(OutputStream, Graph, Lang) line: 1018       
>> JenaRDFWriter$$anon$1$$anonfun$write$1.apply$mcV$sp() line: 20       
>> JenaRDFWriter$$anon$1$$anonfun$write$1.apply() line: 17      
>> JenaRDFWriter$$anon$1$$anonfun$write$1.apply() line: 17      
>> Try$.apply(Function0) line: 191      
>> JenaRDFWriter$$anon$1.write(Graph, OutputStream, String) line: 17    
>> JenaRDFWriter$$anon$1.write(Object, OutputStream, String) line: 15   
>> IOExample$class.main(IOExample, Array[String]) line: 44      
>> IOExampleWithJena$.main(Array[String]) line: 64      
>> IOExampleWithJena.main(Array[String]) line: not available    
>> I believe the problem originates, in part, here:
>> RDFDataMgr.write$(OutputStream, Graph, RDFFormat) line: 1262
>>      private static void write$(OutputStream out, Graph graph, RDFFormat
>> serialization)
>>      {
>>          WriterGraphRIOT w = createGraphWriter$(serialization) ;
>>          w.write(out, graph, RiotLib.prefixMap(graph), null, null) ; //
>> line 1262
>>      }
>> The last 2 null arguments are the values for the "baseURI" and "context"
>> parameters.
>> Are all writers able to cope with a null base URI?
>> It seems that the Turtle writer can but not the RDF/XML writer.
>> The BadURIException happens during Unparser.wObjStar() when one of the
>> Resources has a null URI:
>> BaseXMLWriter.checkURI(String) line: 820     
>> BaseXMLWriter.relativize(String) line: 797   
>> Unparser.wURIreference(String) line: 918     
>> Unparser.wURIreference(Resource) line: 922   
>> Unparser.wAboutAttr(Resource) line: 913      
>> Unparser.wIdAboutAttrOpt(Resource) line: 869 
>> Unparser.wTypedNodeOrDescriptionLong(Unparser$WType, Resource, Resource,
>> List) line: 830      
>> Unparser.wTypedNodeOrDescription(Unparser$WType, Resource, Resource)
>> 764  
>> Unparser.wTypedNode(Resource) line: 737      
>> Unparser.wObj(Resource, Boolean) line: 677   
>> Unparser.wObjStar() line: 364        
>> Because the writer has a null baseURI, then
>> returns null.
>> This then fails the URI check; hence the BadURIException.
>> To avoid this problem, I refactored the call to RDFDataMgr.write(),
>> originally:
>> def write(graph: Jena#Graph, os: OutputStream, base: String): Try[Unit]
>> Try {
>>        import org.w3.banana.jena.Jena.ops._
>>        val relativeGraph : Jena#Graph = graph.relativize(URI(base))
>>        RDFDataMgr.write(os, relativeGraph, lang)
>>      }
>> To the following:
>> def write(graph: Jena#Graph, os: OutputStream, base: String): Try[Unit]
>> Try {
>>        import org.w3.banana.jena.Jena.ops._
>>        val relativeGraph : Jena#Graph = graph.relativize(URI(base))
>>        val serialization: RDFFormat =
>> RDFWriterRegistry.defaultSerialization(lang)
>>        val wf: WriterGraphRIOTFactory =
>> RDFWriterRegistry.getWriterGraphFactory(serialization)
>>        if ( wf == null )
>>              throw new RiotException("No graph writer for
>> ;
>>        val w: WriterGraphRIOT = wf.create(serialization)
>>        w.write(os, relativeGraph,
>> base, null)
>>      }
>> This is basically a copy/paste adaptation of what the Jena API does
>> with the difference that I pass the graph's base URI to the writer.
>> Well, the refactored version of the test works, the original doesn't.
>> - Nicolas.

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