On 24/04/15 14:36, Fajar Juang Ekaputra wrote:
Hi Andy,

Is there no plan for OWL2 adoption yet in the near future?

Best regards,
Fajar J. Ekaputra

Hi Fajar,

What gets done is what the community wants to do and resources. There is no "must do" for Jena3, nor any "won't do". What gets done is what people contribute.

It was said elsewhere that interacting with an open source project comes down to one of 3 modes:

   contribute / sponsor / hope

It would be great if some people collaborated to add OWL2 support, either as an extension to the existing ontology API, a new one or rule sets for various profiles of inference.

That development can happen separately as some kind of additional developed separately and get contributed when done, or contributing work to do into the main code base incrementally.

Anyone - drop over to dev@ and join in.

As a project, Jena has generally tended to emphasis long term stability of users' investments. Jena3 is an opportunity to change more than usual. There are many ways to add new features along side old ones so that migration is smooth.


On 24 Apr 2015, at 15:16, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi all,

Development has started on Jena3.

The main changes currently planned are:

* Package renaming
    com.hp.hpl.jena => org.apache.jena
* RDF 1.1 Semantics for plain literals
    Persistent data will need to be reloaded to be safe
* Java8 required

as well as cleaning up.

There is no fixed timescale for a release.

Soon, the development "master" will become this codebase.

There is a "jena2" branch in git.

There are draft migration notes:


If you are interested in this work, please do drop into d...@jena.apache.org.


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