
That is going to take some code.

The interface a webapp - it happens to be served from the same server as the database though not much actually requires that (mainly a security issue). The database engine and the webapp are relatively separate things, by design. There are a set of operations, under /$/ to support the webapp.

Two things occur to be:

1/ /$/"get customization"?dataset= to return a JSON struct of URLs to get various things.

2/ A small step might be to allow qonsole-config.js to also have a map from dataset to examples, not just a global block.

Stepping back a moment:

At the moment, the Fuseki2 UI has mixed purposes. Originally for server admin, the person or group publishing the data, there was a query interface (because the publisher/administrator might actually want to look at the data!). That's why the dataset.html has "select endpoint" and upload.

But it is also a query application, for more general use, a wider audience. And per endpoint / per dataset.

Seems to me that the two functions need to be provided differently.

A page like dataset.html for data mgt tasks for the publisher, and a page for data consumer.

The latter is open ended - starting from customizable query example through ever more data specific tasks. It would be nice if there wasn't a big chasm between the two.


On 21/05/15 10:47, Neubert, Joachim wrote:
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the hint. However, I can't see how this data structure could
> be used/extended to provide *dataset-specific* queries, as in e.g. or

Could you imagine to supplement the generic queries with additional
custom queries loadedfrom a file referenced in config.ttl (opitonally, of 

Something like

<#someDataset>  rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
     skos:example <file:examples/someDataset.js>" .

(with someDataset.js  in the same syntax as qonsole-config.js).

Cheers, Joachim

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Andy Seaborne []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2015 00:05
Betreff: Re: Fuseki2 - how to customize example queries?

On 20/05/15 09:07, Neubert, Joachim wrote:
Congrats to the Fuseki2 interface - it's really fun to explore!

The generic example queries (Selection of triples, Selection of classes) can 
help giving users an idea about a dataset. They could be amended however with 
custom, dataset-specific queries (and prefixes relevant for that dataset).

Is there a way to do this?

They are in the file:


If you are using the standalone jar: webapp is in the FUSEKI_HOME area

If you are using the war, you'll need to unpack the war and change it.


Cheers, Joachim

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