Blank nodes are local to the graph. Why don't you relabel them as URIs
and the problem should go away? (if I understood your use case

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Paul Houle <> wrote:
> This is a simple scenario,  I can accomplish the specific thing I am trying
> to di by other means,  but if I can get this to work it leads to a strategy
> inspired by SPIN,  I'm showing it though because it is a simple and clear
> example.
> I have two graphs,
> G1:
> [] a :DatasetArtifact ;
>    :name e:tdb ;
>    :path "/lei/testCase/a" .
> G2:
> @prefix : <>
> :DatasetArtifact :implementation
> <java:com.ontology2.rdf.mogrifier.MemoryDatasetFactory> .
> :GraphArtifact :implementation
> <java:com.ontology2.rdf.mogrifier.GraphInsertFactory> .
> :LuceneArtifact :implementation
> <java:com.ontology2.rdf.mogrifier.LuceneFactory> .
> Now I can query the union of G1 and G2 and I want to make the graph
> above look like
> [] a :DatasetArtifact ;
>    :name e:tdb ;   :implementation
> <java:com.ontology2.rdf.mogrifier.MemoryDatasetFactory> .
>    :path "/lei/testCase/a" .
> I can do the following CONSTRUCT query
> prefix : <>
>    ?artifact :implementation ?class
> } WHERE {
>    ?artifact a ?type  .
>    ?type :implemenation ?class .
> }
> And this will do the right thing if the "root" node is not a bnode but
> if it is a bnode it creates an output like
> G3
> [ :implementation <java:com.ontology2.rdf.mogrifier.MemoryDatasetFactory> ]
> and this bnode is not the same bnode as the original bnode so when I
> take the model I get from execConstruct and append G3 to G1 I don't
> get the desired result.  If I try to have the construct put results
> back into the original model I get a ConcurrentModificationException
> so I can't do it that way.
> Operations like this where you pull out a bnode reference and then add
> some properties to it are easy to do with the Model interface,  but
> not officially supported in SPARQL.
> I know that Jena and some other stores support ways to get bnode
> identifiers out of SPARQL queries so it seems to me that has to be
> some trick,  even if it is a touch evil,  that makes it possible to do
> something like the above.  I could skolemize the roots,  but I might
> have 2nd level or 3rd level bnodes in some records.  There are a
> number of other ways I could merge in the :implementation that would
> work just fine in this case,  but I like the simplicity of this
> solution,  the ability to do much more complex things with more
> complex queries and the composibility of this approach.
> Is this practical to attain?
> --
> Paul Houle
> *Applying Schemas for Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems,
> Classification and Text Mining and Data Lakes*
> (607) 539 6254    paul.houle on Skype
> :BaseKB -- Query Freebase Data With SPARQL
> Legal Entity Identifier Lookup
> <>
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