Hi Andy, 

Thanks for the pointers. 
I’ll check the documents and classes in the next few days/weeks, 
and will report back if I found any difficulties / blocker. 

Best regards, 

> On 19 Apr 2016, at 19:05, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 19/04/16 06:37, Fajar Juang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are there any documentation on how to access Fuseki2 server from a Java 
>> client (to manage datasets)?
>> the current link [1] is empty and if there are any pointer to certain 
>> classes to start with, I am happy to explore.
> For using the server, the query, update API and DatasetAccessor for Graph 
> Store Protocol.
> I'd like to see this merged into one useful API:
> https://pony-poc.apache.org/thread.html/Z31r8r9061zh17c
> For admin like creating datasets, there isn't a java API
> But there a network API:
> https://jena.apache.org/documentation/fuseki2/fuseki-server-protocol.html
> To check what actually works, the test might help: 
> org.apache.jena.fuseki.TestAdmin
> They create datasets by POSTing assembler descriptions to the server to 
> "/$/datasets" using regular HTTP library code.
> The admin UI provided ones are short forms - the parameters are dbType= value 
> "tdb" or "mem" and dbName=.  The code is in ActionDatasets but not not 
> documented - sorry about that.
>       Andy
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Fajar
>> [1] https://jena.apache.org/documentation/fuseki2/#sparql-java-clients 
>> <https://jena.apache.org/documentation/fuseki2/#sparql-java-clients>

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