This may require correction from a committer or more experienced dev, but I 
think you are looking for the Node/Triple/Graph/DatasetGraph SPI. If you 
implement that, your clients can use the public-facing 
RDFNode/Statement/Model/Dataset API with your implementation underneath.

A. Soroka
The University of Virginia Library

> On Apr 26, 2016, at 11:20 AM, David Jordan <> wrote:
> I am considering porting Jena onto a new storage framework. I had looked at 
> doing this a few years ago, but never did it. Now may be a better time. It 
> also runs in a cloud environment that supports multi-processing, etc. But the 
> first step is mapping of the data to the storage. I briefly looked at the 
> latest source. I thought there were some specific interfaces I had to 
> implement to plug in a new storage layer, but I have not found it yet. Any 
> pointers are appreciated.

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