Rules engine built-ins that take numeric arguments, such as sum and greaterThan, are not working for me. My situation is as follows:
I'm loading a simple NT file into a default model: Model contextData = FileManager.get().loadModel(contextPath, "N3"); The NT file includes the following triple: <item1> <hasHeight> "8"^^<> . I'm creating an inference model in the usual way: List rules = Rule.rulesFromURL("file:C:/test.rule"); Reasoner reasoner = new GenericRuleReasoner(rules); Infmodel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, contextData); I have the following rule: [checkItemHeight: (?item, hasHeight, ?height), print('In checkItemHeight antecedent:', ?height), greaterThan(?height, "7"^^, -> print('In checkItemHeight:', ?height) ] The first print clause succeeds: 'In checkCarHeight antecedent:' '8'^^ but the call to greaterThan never succeeds; the rule never fires. I've tried different data types in the NT file and in the rules file, but nothing works. The *only* thing I can get to work is when I use two simple constants, with no datatype, in the rules file: greaterThan(8, 7), I've looked around for discussions and documentation related to this, and I've looked at the Jena source code for greaterThan, but to no avail. I'd greatly appreciate some clarification of what's going on here, and what approaches*will* work. Thanks! David Martin AI Lab Nuance Communications