Good points. Yes TriG-like structure makes more sense -- but then it
is clearly non-standard.

Isn't this a gap in RDF standardization -- an XML format for quads?

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 1:51 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> On 08/06/16 15:22, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>> Hey,
>> would it be possible to adopt RDF/XML writer for quads (Dataset)? What
>> would that take?
>> I know it would involve a non-standard syntax, but if we used
>> namespaced attributes, XML-compatible tools shouldn't break.
>> I am thinking it should be possible to add an attribute (e.g.
>> rdfx:graph) with graph name on each of the property elements,
>> something like this:
>> <rdf:Description rdf:about="";>
>>    <foaf:givenName
>> rdfx:graph="";>Tim</foaf:givenName>
>>    <foaf:familyName
>> rdfx:graph="";>Berners-Lee</foaf:familyName>
>> </rdf:Description>
> And if a triple is in 2 graphs? The default graph?
>> What do you think? Would someone else be interested in such
>> serialization? I know there is TriX, but it is not convenient for XSLT
>> transformation.
>> Martynas
> An alternative is more TriG like :
> <rdfx:Graph rdfx:name="...">
>   .... RDF/XML here ...
>  </rdfx:Graph>

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