That code doesn't write to disk, so it's impossible.

The only part that COULD write to file, but doesn't is

FileWriter out=new FileWriter(file);

I'm sure that it's not the whole code, so it's impossible to help.
Moreover, it's more a Java related question - nothing for the Jena
mailing list.

> Hi
> I am very surprised that this code, when executed, has vanished my ontology
> and my ontology is now empty. I copied another ontology and after executing
> few times, again the new ontology is empty. I just want to create the
> individual of class and save it locally in the file. There is another
> method also in my code but thats just read the file so the main trick is
> here. It writed the whole ontology first as model.write() but when GUI
> loads and I enter text, again it display output as in
> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() but after the whole exection, the Protege
> ontology becomes empty.
> *Note: It also create the intended individual but except the User1 class
> created in Jena code and its individual, nothing remains in ontology.*
>  public static void readOntology(String file,OntModel model)
>     {
>                     InputStream in =FileManager.get().open(file);
> if (in==null) {
> throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File: " + file + "  not found");
> }
> //in.close();
>                model.write(System.out);
>     }
> private static void read1(String str,OntModel model)
>     {
>   String ns="";;
>      OntClass user = model.createClass(ns + "User");
>      OntClass user1 = model.getOntClass(ns + "User");
>     Individual janeSmith = user1.createIndividual(ns + str);
>     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, janeSmith.toString());
>         try {
>            String file="F://hello.owl";
>         FileWriter out=new FileWriter(file);
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: - semantic web research center

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