RDF/XML (plain) in this case. I would of course prefer a
format-agnostic solution.

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 10:21 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> Which serialization format are you working with?
>     Andy
> On 25/07/16 22:44, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I was planning to set an ErrorHandler on WriterGraphRIOT instance, but
>> it turns such setter does not exist.
>> My ErrorHandler allows invalid URIs to be read without throwing
>> exceptions. However model.write() throws BadURIException when writing
>> them. So round-tripping such Model currently does not work. How do I
>> handler writer errors?
>> I think it would make sense to reuse the error handler between RIOT
>> readers and writers.
>> For example, if it is set to strict, both throw exceptions on invalid
>> URIs.
>> If it is set to lax, invalid URIs are allowed during both during
>> parsing and writing.
>> That would make round-tripping easy.
>> Martynas
>> atomgraph.com

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