I have *Student* class, having *ExcellentStudents* and *PoorStudents* as
My ontology contains Student *marks* (*marks is data property*) and based
on marks students can be assigned to ExcellentStudents and PoorStudents.

My requirements is to achieve it using Jena rules. I need some help in
getting to this.  I want something like :

If Student X marks>60, assign Student X to ExcellentStudent class else
assign to PoorStudents class. I have attempted the following but could not

String rule = "[rule1:"(?x

 (?x http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Student.owl#marks  *>60*)" +

         "->(?x http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type

I think the problem will be in marks>60 because I do not know how to
compare things inside Jena rules.

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