Hello Andy, shouldn't there be the class name to which we assign new

Dave run this code and it works for him, but I do not know why, it does not
work for me.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 2:18 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

> The rules have some syntax problems:
> "( ?x  http://www.semanticweb.org#GPA  ?score +   )"
> as mentioned earlier in the thread then
> "greaterThan(?score, userscore) "
> but userscore is a java variable.
> Also
> inf.listResourcesWithProperty(RDF.type,
> "GoodStudent")
> uses a string not a URI so if not going to find anything.
>         Andy
> On 21/09/16 09:21, Lorenz B. wrote:
>> Are you sure that this code compiles?
>> Property prop= model.getProperty(ns,"GPA");
>> ns is a String in your code, the method expects a Resource object is
>> first argument. You totally use the wrong method here, as it returns a
>> Statement.
>> Model::createProperty(String nameSpace, String localName)
>> would be the method to call, or even better as you use an OntModel
>> OntModel::getDatatypeProperty( String uri )

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