What the hell are you doing here?! Javadoc + Jena documentation is your

It does not fetch any data, but creates a property and a literal with
the value that is the property object which is totally wrong.

First, use proper variable names.

> Is this a proper way to fetch the int value from data property?
> OntProperty value=model.getOntProperty(ns+ "Wins");
Obviously, this line creates a property object, i.e. call it "property"
or "p" or "winsProperty" or whatever, but not value.

OntProperty winsProperty = model.getOntProperty(ns+ "Wins");

>  Literal myliteral = model.createTypedLiteral(value);
This line creates a Literal object whose value is the property object,
but that's totally wrong. If you want to create an int literal, use an
integer as argument

Literal myliteral = model.createTypedLiteral(3);

>            int sum=myliteral.getInt();
Again weird naming of Java variables which makes the code unreadable and
even more nobody will understand what you want to achieve.
The sum of what?
>            sum=sum+1;

It should be clear that data is assigned to RDF resources, that means
you need a resource as well ,that's why the RDF data model is made of
triples (subject, predicate, object), and from the above code you only
have predicate and object.

Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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