On 04/03/17 11:27, Jean-Marc Vanel wrote:
2017-03-04 12:08 GMT+01:00 Laura Morales <laure...@mail.com>:

What problem is a "Linked Data Platform" trying to solve that can't
already be accomplished with a RDF server like Fuseki?

Consider this use case:

   - manage a team's public FOAF profiles with URL prefix http://xx.com/
   - a team member X can upload her FOAF profile simply by an HTTP POST
   request on http://xx.com/members/ at URL /myName
   - then http://xx.com/myName is visible from Internet and contains
   triples about <http://xx.com/myName> , which is the member's URI.

If I'm correct also Fuseki has a REST front end available.

Yes - it supports the SPARQL Graph Store Protocol.

PUT/GET/POST/DELETE whole graphs.

... and it generalises it to the dataset+quads as well.

Well the word REST used in
https://jena.apache.org/documentation/serving_data/ is simply meaning that
a SPARQL compliant HTTP server can be somehow considered a REST server.

But it's not what is generally meant by a REST server:
In this REST concept , one PUTs or POSTs data at some relative URL's, and
by HTP GET at the same URL retrieves the data.

This is what an LDP server basically does.
An LDP server also can be viewed as similar to an FTP server that typically
stores RDF data (but also any binary data).

The big thing that LDP adds is its container model.


Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2017 at 11:48 AM
From: "Jean-Marc Vanel" <jeanmarc.va...@gmail.com>
To: "Jena users" <users@jena.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Fuseki vs Marmotta

Apache Fuseki is a pure SPARQL server, with a native triple database.

Apache Marmotta is a complex beast, primarily an LDP server [1] , but it
mixes a lot of ingredients:

Its persistence layer is only SQL databases.
It does offer a SPARQL service, but it seems loosely connected to the
Especially, I'm not sure that after an LDP PUT or POST, the data will be
added to the underlying SPARQL database.

[1] LDP https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/

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