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> My apologies... Please see attached the same question I sent in my last email 
> because the format of the tables in my last email was distorted. 
> Cheers,
> Izhar
> ________________________________________
> From: Ullah, Izhar []
> Sent: 10 March 2017 01:03
> To:
> Subject: Re: Complex SPARQL Query
> Hi all,
> I have a question related to SPARQL query which is a bit complex one. I would 
> appreciate if someone could help me out. I have developed an ontology in 
> Protege in which I have imported the GeoSPARQL Ontology. I have 15 Sensing 
> Nodes with their corresponding Point(longitude latitude) geometries given 
> below:
> Table 1: Showing results from 1 to 15 of 15. Query took 0.127 s.
> node
> geo
> gwkt
> 1
> enviot:A0_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A0_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A0_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A0_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.783065 
> 53.202158)"^^<>
> 2
> enviot:A1_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A1_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A1_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A1_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.782898 
> 53.201828)"^^<>
> 3
> enviot:A2_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A2_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A2_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A2_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.783092 
> 53.202007)"^^<>
> 4
> enviot:A3_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A3_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A3_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A3_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.781964 
> 53.201765)"^^<>
> 5
> enviot:A5_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A5_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A5_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A5_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.783055 
> 53.202777)"^^<>
> 6
> enviot:A6_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A6_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A6_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A6_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.782222 
> 53.202777)"^^<>
> 7
> enviot:A7_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A7_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A7_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A7_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.781111 
> 53.202777)"^^<>
> 8
> enviot:A8_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A8_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A8_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A8_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.780833 
> 53.203055)"^^<>
> 9
> enviot:A9_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A9_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:A9_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A9_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.780833 
> 53.202222)"^^<>
> 10
> enviot:AA_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AA_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:AA_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AA_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.783063 
> 53.202309)"^^<>
> 11
> enviot:AB_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AB_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:AB_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AB_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.782638 
> 53.202189)"^^<>
> 12
> enviot:AC_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AC_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:AC_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AC_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.783003 
> 53.202191)"^^<>
> 13
> enviot:AD_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AD_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:AD_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AD_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.782518 
> 53.201841)"^^<>
> 14
> enviot:AE_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AE_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:AE_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AE_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.782024 
> 53.202193)"^^<>
> 15
> enviot:AF_SoilSensingNode<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AF_SoilSensingNode>
> enviot:AF_Geometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/AF_Geometry>
> "POINT(-3.782877 
> 53.201788)"^^<>
> These sensing nodes are deployed in a field which is modelled in the 
> GeoSPARQL ontologies as 'Field' which is the subClass of Feature. Further, 
> 'Field' has got three sub-features which are modelled as sub-classes named 
> Hilltop, Swale and Riverbank having their geometries like 'Line String', 
> 'Polygon' and 'Line String' respectively along with their geometric 
> coordinates given below:
> Table 2: Showing results from 1 to 3 of 3. Query took 0.081 s.
> feature
> fgeo
> fwkt
> 1
> enviot:A_Hilltop<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A_Hilltop>
> enviot:A_HillTopLineGeometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A_HillTopLineGeometry>
> "LINESTRING(-3.780833 53.203055, -3.781111 53.202777, -3.780833 
> 53.202222)"^^<>
> 2
> enviot:A_Riverbank<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A_Riverbank>
> enviot:A_RiverbankLineGeometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A_RiverbankLineGeometry>
> "LINESTRING(-3.783055 53.202777, -3.783063 53.202309, -3.783065 53.202158, 
> -3.783092 53.202007, -3.782898 
> 53.201828)"^^<>
> 3
> enviot:A_Swale<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A_Swale>
> enviot:A_SwalePolygonGeometry<http://localhost:7200/resource/enviot/A_SwalePolygonGeometry>
> "POLYGON((-3.782222 53.202777, -3.782024 53.202193, -3.782638  53.202189, 
> -3.783003  53.202191, -3.781964 53.201765, -3.782518 53.201841, -3.782877 
> 53.201788, -3.782222 
> 53.202777))"^^<>
> I
> NOTE: In the above table (Table 2), the column 'fwkt' has got exactly the 
> same geometry values (Point(long lat) which are the geometry values of 
> individual soil sensing nodes given in column named 'gwkt' in Table 1.
> Now my question is:
> Which geographic feature contains the maximum number of soil sensing nodes?
> The query/answer should retrieve envoi:A_Swale which has 7 soil sensing nodes.
> I would be really grateful if someone could give me any idea/solution how to 
> retrieve this?
> If you require any further information please let me know.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Izhar
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: - semantic web research center

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