i use fuseki with the SPARQL update "INSERT DATA {...}" command, send as a HTTP POST to a fuseki server. this works very well except when a triple contains in a literal a BOM (65279) character. Then the confirmation is still positiv (204) but the triples are NOT inserted.

the issue is not that the request with the BOM is ignored - this is probably a good thing, but that a 204 confirmation is produced; some information pointing to a syntax error in the SPARQL request or similar is necessary.

i cannot see if the request arrives at the fuseki server ok - is there a flag i can set when starting the fuseki server to show the request as it is received? i can only see that the server is receiving the POST.

here the protocol of the sender:

callHTTP5 :
    request POST http://xxxxt:3030/march25/update HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 586
Content-Type: application/sparql-update

requestbody INSERT DATA { GRAPH <http://gerastree.at/g12> {<http://gerastree.at/waterhouse-kw#> <http://gerastree.at/lit_2014#titel> " the BOM "@xx .
} }
callHTTP5 result is is Right HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2017 10:32:08 GMT
Fuseki-Request-ID: 39
Connection: close

the literal is "\65279 the BOM " - if i remove the BOM mark, the contents are stored, but the response from the server is exactly the same!

please produce an appropriate error message!


em.o.Univ.Prof. Dr. sc.techn. Dr. h.c. Andrew U. Frank
                                 +43 1 58801 12710 direct
Geoinformation, TU Wien          +43 1 58801 12700 office
Gusshausstr. 27-29               +43 1 55801 12799 fax
1040 Wien Austria                +43 676 419 25 72 mobil

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