"install" puts the the artifacts into the local maven directory space.

They are are produced by "install" so if you dig them out of "target/" they are the same.

"-Pdev" is faster and it only makes up to Fuseki.

"-Pbootstrap" makes from a completely clean setup up to Fuseki - i.e pre-requites and -Pdev in case you are offline.


On 07/05/17 19:09, Laura Morales wrote:
You can build from the git repo locally (which is what the development
builds are).

The BUILD.md says to use `mvn clean install` [1], but I tried `mvn package 
-DskipTests` instead. I don't know much about Java toolings, so I hope this is 
also fine for compiling Jena/Fuseki :)  The binaries seems to work fine.


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