Makes sense. Thank you.
What do you think instead about returning JSON results as a nested JSON? This 
should be feasible, right?

> Nor is SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ... }
> And then there are OPTIONALs. Result set are not necessarily regular.
> One could encode a result set into RDF, then decode it back again in the
> client.
> But
> 1/ That's slow.
> 2/ The client needs an RDF parser at least, maybe a whole RDF toolkit.
> Now a simple parser is N-triples ... which is huge.
> But it likely already has an XML parser and/or a JSON parser (not JSON-LD).
> Jena has code to produce a graph for a result set and it was discussed
> for SPARQL 1.0 but it did not get traction.
>  Andy

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