On Sun, 2017-05-14 at 17:56 +0000, james anderson wrote:
> good evening;
> > On 2017-05-14, at 19:30, Paul Tyson <phty...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Laura,
> > 
> > On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 09:45 +0200, Laura Morales wrote:
> >>> I'm not sure I completely understand the use case that this approach is
> >>> trying to address. But at best, it looks like a nonstandard,
> >>> application-specific shortcut to produce something like a table with
> >>> subrows.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Right now Jena returns 1 triple per line. For example
> >> 
> >> - author-1 book-1
> >> - author-1 book-2
> >> - author-2 book-1
> >> ..
> >> 
> >> instead of
> >> 
> >> - author-1
> >> ---- book-1
> >> ---- book-2
> >> - author-2
> >> ---- book-1
> >> 
> >> the nested structure (second one) looks much more natural in the context 
> >> of graphs, like RDF. The first approach instead returns results like any 
> >> other RDBMS. This is a problem because even if it's true that traversing a 
> >> graph with SPARQL is very easy (something that would require a huge number 
> >> of JOINs in SQL), the returned data grows exponentially, in particular if 
> >> you are following several predicate links and want to return properties 
> >> from nodes in between. For every different value a new row is added to the 
> >> results, so the number of results is like "property1 x property2 x 
> >> property3 x ..."
> > 
> > When you say "looks much more natural", you have a certain display
> > structure or application use in mind. But what if I wanted it the other
> > way (books with author subrows), or organized by other properties (say,
> > year of publication, or number of pages), or multiple properties? How
> > can the query engine know what semantics you want to apply to organize
> > the results? And then when your application requirements changed, you
> > would either have to write extra client-side code to re-organize the
> > query results, or write an additional query just to get results in a
> > different format. This is just not a good application architecture.
> this concern is addressed by json-ld framing: 
> http://json-ld.org/spec/latest/json-ld-framing/
Well, yes, and for OP's purpose this might fit. (Although I see this
document is several years old and I don't find anything current about
it.) I don't quite get the notion of "framing", yet, but the opening
statement of the referenced document worries me on several counts:

"JSON-LD Framing allows developers to query by example and force a
specific tree layout to a JSON-LD document."

The idea of "forcing" a specific tree layout on a graph serialization
format seems to violate some fundamental principle of data modeling, and
leaves one with a muddy stew of content, structure, and presentation
that can only make application development more difficult.

Now, there are well-understood algorithms for transforming between graph
and tree data structures, and--in the abstract--this is what happens
somewhere in the toolchain between a sparql endpoint and an HTML (or any
other format) document. But ideally this process should be 1) as direct
as possible, involving the fewest necessary transformations; and 2)
informed by the semantics of the application. These 2 requirements point
up the need for a general-purpose RDF graph transformation language, not
tied to any particular exchange syntax.


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