Ok. That sounds reasonable so I will work on breaking down my chain of
thought into smaller pieces. Thank you so much.

I saw an example online where the query syntax is written as a string on
Jena. so my query now looks like this:

String queryString=
"PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>"+
"PREFIX cv:<
"insert {"+
   " ?ass cv:recorded_speed ?avg"+
"WHERE {"+
  "SELECT (AVG(?speed) AS ?avg) "+
     " ?v rdf:type cv:Vehicle ;"+
         "cv:vehicleSpeed ?speed;"+
         " cv:Vehicle_Road ?r;"+

         "SELECT ?r"+

      "?ass rdf:type cv:Avg_Speed_Sensor;"+
      " cv:avgSpeedSensor_Infrastructure ?r"+

      "}"+"GROUP By ?ass ?avg ?r"+

Then, also based on my research, I feed the query string into the parser
and output the model.
UpdateAction.parseExecute( queryString, ontologyModel );
ontologyModel.write( System.out, "TTL" );
I encountered many errors but managed to get rid of them all. However,
 based on the output, nothing has changed. speedSensor1 and speedSensor2 do
not have the recorded_speed property added.

Of course, I tried debugging, but I could not get any understanding of the

I tried breaking the query down to smaller bits right down to doing a
simple select on vehicles:

String query1=
"PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>"+
"PREFIX cv:<

"Select ?v"+
"where {"+
"?v cv:vehicleSpeed ?speed."+

Query query = QueryFactory.create(query1);
QueryExecution qexec= QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, ontologyModel);
ResultSet results=qexec.execSelect();
QuerySolution soln=results.nextSolution();
org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal name = soln.getLiteral("x");
But everything I have tried yields in the result "null".

Can you give me pointers on how I should go about trying to figure out the
problem with the insert function?
Sorry if my questions are too naive, but I am trying to grasp the concepts
as much as possible.

Best Regards,

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 8:32 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

> Then find the sensor of interest, and all cars on that given road.
> GROUP BY the speed sensor, and the AVG is that of calls on that given road.
> The way to develop complex queris is to write simple parts, then combine
> them.
>         Andy
> On 05/06/17 16:46, Aya Hamdy wrote:
>> The goal is not to calculate the avg speed of a car. It is rather to
>> compute the avg speed of all the cars on a given road and assign that
>> computed average as the reading of the average speed sensot attached to
>> that road.
>> Sorry if my wording is causing confusion.
>> On Jun 5, 2017 5:12 PM, "Lorenz Buehmann" <
>> buehm...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>> No, why do you think so? ?v is the variable that gets assigned a vehicle
>>> for which you compute the avg speed.
>>> <Instance> should be ?v, i.e. you have to group by it and select it
>>> INSERT {
>>> ?v :avgSpeed ?avg
>>> } WHERE {
>>> SELECT ?v (AVG(?speed) AS ?avg) {
>>> ....
>>> } GROUP BY ?v
>>> }
>>> On 05.06.2017 17:03, Aya Hamdy wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I will try to explain with examples. I have generated my ontology from
>>>> Protege and converted it to turtle syntax via an online tool.
>>>> *I have a class for average speed sensors:*
>>>>   ###
>>>> http://www.semanticweb.org/toshiba/ontologies/2017/3/
>>> untitled-ontology-6#Avg_Speed_Sensor
>>>> untitled-ontology-6:Avg_Speed_Sensor rdf:type owl:Class ;
>>>>                                       rdfs:subClassOf
>>>> untitled-ontology-6:Sensor ,
>>>>   untitled-ontology-6:Speed_Sensor .
>>>> *and a class for vehicles:*
>>>> ###
>>>> http://www.semanticweb.org/toshiba/ontologies/2017/3/
>>> untitled-ontology-6#Vehicle
>>>> untitled-ontology-6:Vehicle rdf:type owl:Class .
>>>> *The vehicle class has a property called vehicleSpeed:*
>>>> ###
>>>> http://www.semanticweb.org/toshiba/ontologies/2017/3/
>>> untitled-ontology-6#vehicleSpeed
>>>> untitled-ontology-6:vehicleSpeed rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>>>>                                   rdfs:domain
>>>> untitled-ontology-6:Vehicle
>>> ;
>>>>                                   rdfs:range xsd:integer .
>>>> *The avg speed sensor class has  a property called recorded_speed:*
>>>> ###
>>>> http://www.semanticweb.org/toshiba/ontologies/2017/3/
>>> untitled-ontology-6#recorded_speed
>>>> untitled-ontology-6:recorded_speed rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>>>>                                     rdfs:domain
>>> untitled-ontology-6:Sensor ,
>>>>   untitled-ontology-6:Speed_Sensor ;
>>>>                                     rdfs:range xsd:integer .
>>>> The recorded speed by the avg speed sensor allocated to a specific road
>>> is
>>>> the average of the vehicleSpeeds of the vehicles on that specific road,
>>>> where the avg speed sensor class has a property called
>>>> avgSpeedSensor_Infrastructure and the vehicle has a property called
>>>> Vehicle_Road.
>>>> I have two vehicle instances: Vehicle1 and Vehicle2; and two sensor
>>>> instances: SpeedSensor1 and SpeedSensor2.
>>>> Is it clearer now or just confusing?
>>>> so I am guessing following your guide it would be something like:
>>>> INSERT {
>>>>       <instance> :avgSpeed ?avg
>>>>     }
>>>> WHERE {
>>>>     SELECT (AVG(?speed) AS ?avg) {
>>>>         ?v rdf:type :Vehicle ;
>>>>            :vehicleSpeed ?speed;
>>>>            : Vehicle_Road ?r;
>>>>         ?avs rdf:type :Avg_Speed_Sensor;
>>>>                :avgSpeedSensor_Infrastructure ?r
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> But  the value of the  <instance> should come from reading the file,
>>> right?
>>>> On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 9:04 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 04/06/17 18:47, Aya Hamdy wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I wanted to add a property called avgSpeed to an instance of a class
>>>>>> called
>>>>>> FlowSensor. This property should be the average of the values of the
>>>>>> property vehicleSpeed attached to instances of the class Vehicle.
>>>>>> I read that SPARQL update allows doing this. However, I cannot reach
>>>>> the
>>>> syntax for doing the* averaging of values* or for building the *SPARQL
>>>>>> Update *query using jena with eclipse on the jena website.
>>>>>> If Jena indeed supports doing what I intend to do then can someone
>>>>> point
>>>> out some sources to guide me in my attempt?
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Aya
>>>>>> Calculate the average in a nested select so somethign like (you'll
>>>>> have
>>>> to
>>>> fix this up):
>>>>> INSERT {
>>>>>       <instance> :avgSpeed ?avg
>>>>>     }
>>>>> WHERE {
>>>>>     SELECT (AVG(?speed) AS ?avg) {
>>>>>         ?v rdf:type :Vehicle ;
>>>>>            :vehicleSpeed ?speed
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
>>>>> By the way - it is better to more concrete in your description - actual
>>>>> data for example.

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