Hi all,

After upgrading to Jena 3.2 recently, we encountered the issue referenced here:

In short, a graph Delta, when adding a triple with a double value property that is semantically the same but lexically different to a triple already in the graph causes what is in my opinion incorrect behaviour: The triple is placed in the deletions list and not in the additions list, in essence removing it from the graph even though it should still be in there.

So for example if I take a Delta with graph base containing `:s :p -1.700000e+00 .` and then clear it and add the triple `:s :p -1.7E0 .`, the resulting Delta will have a set of deletions containing the original triple, and an empty list of additions.

As far as I can tell this is because Delta uses .contains() to check its additions and deletions, and for the volatile GraphMem we use, the literals are checked for lexical instead of semantic equality, and this causes inconsistencies.

I would appreciate any and all help with this.


Daan Reid
Drugis project - https://drugis.org

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