We are pleased to announce the release of Apache Jena 3.4.0.

Note that in this release, Fuseki2 is now the same version as the rest of Jena - 3.4.0.

== Key features of the release:

JENA-1326: Generic Lucene Analyzers (Code Ferret) Chris Tomlinson

JENA-1313: compare using a Collator when both literals are tagged with same language


This means ORDER By in SPARQL can be by specific language.

JENA-1339 - Greg Albiston
Property Function signature for List subjects and List objects.

JENA-1367 - Richard Cyganiak
Property function apf:strSplit is not well-behaved

Basic Fuseki
  This is a replacement for Fuseki1, command line only setup.
  Fuseki1 is considered to be deprecated.

JENA-1350: Use Fuseki embedded server for testing
JENA-1366: Fuseki server basic

JENA-1340: riot ignored "--base", now it doesn't

JENA-1346: HttpOp: switch to a pooling HttpClient as the default

JENA-1360: Support the "q" (quote) flag on regex.

== Dependency Upgrades

commonscsv      1.3 -> 1.4
dexxcollection  0.6 -> 0.7

httpclient      4.5.2 -> 4.5.3
commons-cli     1.3->1.4
slf4j           1.7.21 -> 1.7.25
jsonld-java     0.9.0 -> 0.10.0

Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.5.v20170502  (Fuseki2)
Upgrade Jetty to 8.1.22.v20160922 (Fuseki1)

== Obtaining Apache Jena 3.4.0

* Via central.maven.org

The main jars and their dependencies can used with:


Full details of all maven artifacts are described at:


* As binary downloads

Apache Jena libraries are available as a binary distribution of
libraries. For details of a global mirror copy of Jena binaries please see:


* Source code for the release

The signed source code of this release is available at:


and the signed master source for all Apache Jena releases is available
at: http://archive.apache.org/dist/jena/

== Contributing

If you would like to help out, a good place to look is the list of
unresolved JIRA at:


or review pull requests at


or drop into the dev@ list.

We use github pull requests and other ways for accepting code:

     The Apache Jena development community

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